1:6 Scale Prototype 2 Inspired Figure

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Feb 9, 2017
Reaction score
Forestville, Maryland
Hello everyone! Hope all is relatively well for you all. I've been looking for awhile to see if anyone did a 1:6 custom figure (then will end up wanting said custom) from the Prototype game series or based off of them. I liked the first one as it had an interesting story with smart-action-taking AI programming for npcs that we're engaging while the 2nd was lackluster and rushed and was only appealing in terms of aesthetics for the powers of the new prototype. When searching the web I found no pictures of such characters or powers. I was hoping someone would at least showcase one power and not making accessories for all 5 powers but alas that wasn't the case. And even though earlier this year I saw onetoys I believe made/making an Alex Mercer figure they put all major powers except Hammerfists from what I saw from the promo pics!

So I decided that I would try customizing something to bring my desire to fruition. I started this last year actually but never got the clothing right for the figure plus the first body I selected turned out to be a mess for the things I wanted to apply to it and articulation got tricky then finally left arm got disjointed-that can be a phicen for you in a nutshell I learned.

The project first started with the fists bought Hot Toys Hulk fists and put some milliput clay on them for a bit of a size addition and spikes due to modeling them off of Heller's Hammerfists. This year got a new body made some additions on it and finished. I'll be honest: I'm no customizer by any means first time trying this and I'm no painter, just used acrylic paint looks like a child just starting to paint to me so painting isn't the best. The clay: spike additions not the sharpest looking or smoothest looking because I don't having sanding materials or a Dremel left arm isn't consistent in size with the right arm. Head was supposed to be a Jimi Hendrix head (not Kim Serang wouldn't have touched it if it was-when I got it it looked like the person just finished smoking marijuana and had glassy eyes) wanted the hair to have an infection status to it as well so twisted it with red acrylic painted fingers.

Painted face and eyes so he could look like he fully embraced the infection and obtained more power through consuming like Mercer did in Proto 2 final boss fight. Since the last game was with Heller and me wanting there to be another one but this time they let you create your own and have a new a comprehensive story I was going to create a character close to looking like this. I also gave it some Doomsday inspiration after looking at Heller's armor skin and infected skin-due to the little spike protrusions but knew I didn't want a fully armored face or a zombie looking one so I was thinking about Doomsday at the time and thought his body was a nice medium for both of the skins.

I thought about if my character got to a certain level from the infection and I made upgrades this is what he would look like. I chose Hammerfists because that was my favorite power to use in both games. I mentioned the right clothing because well pants for this body haven't been the easiest to get on as it's like a 1:9 body+since the phicen went to the "deal with later bin" and out of site didn't want some "accessories" from it to totally go to waste. Even the pants I just got today for it don't totally cover up the boxer shorts I have on it for front view which is most important view. Apologies for the long intro to the pictures but just wanted to get all of that out so you all can manage your expectations. I usually see works that look like masterpieces on this thread so I'm going to be the odd one out when it comes to masterpiece works here.

Feedback please?







Update 02/01/2018: Additions: chest plating and back spikes (ps still having a bit of a time pulling the pants all the way up truly don't want that look but I've officially given up sweat pants would've been better)


Update 04/03/2018: Hair changes




Update 03/24/2020: decided to go full armored ver. believe it or not still not done as I need a varnish to make the red bit glossy and spikes on legs.
IMG_20200321_235913376-compressor-min (1).jpg

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Cool man but I think you should make those a bit glossy. It's glossy in the game isn't it?

Hello I'm sorry I'm just seeing and replying to your post now. It's been so long since I posted it and no one replied I kind of just forgot about it until I was ready to return to it to post new pictures which now mostly consists of different hairstyles as you have seen and why I'm back to it now lol. Do apologize again. Anyway correct it is glossy in the game never gave it thought till you mentioned thank you. This has revived my motivation to buy some varnish, the first motivation was for my Hot Toys Ancient Predator as I wanted to repaint the eyes since they look so dull but never got around to purchasing the varnish.

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