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Re: ART FIGS PROJECT 7: Wild Wild West

UPDATE: Artemus 1.0!!

Artemus 1.0.jpg
Re: ART FIGS PROJECT 7: Wild Wild West

I don't like the mouth on #2 or #3 at all. The upper lip on #1 needs to be fuller.
Re: ART FIGS PROJECT 7: Wild Wild West

also the eyes need to be wider.
Re: ART FIGS PROJECT 7: Wild Wild West

Jim and Artemus' gun rigs will be done by Stevos's Toys. He makes the Jim gun rig , and is going to make a custom Artemus belt to match the one on the show!! Ill send out more info in a few days!!
Heres a pic of the Jim West rig:
Re: ART FIGS PROJECT 7: Wild Wild West

Neck hole seems a bit small. Makes the neck look extra long.
Re: ART FIGS PROJECT 7: Wild Wild West

If you have some time, can you post some good screen grabs of Gordon? Just for comparison, thanks.
Re: ART FIGS PROJECT 7: Wild Wild West

Thanks for the pictures. I like the bottom right. I think it will be very difficult to accurately depict his smirk.
Re: ART FIGS PROJECT 7: Wild Wild West

I think the area under the bottom lip, between the chin and lip, is really throwing it off.
Re: ART FIGS PROJECT 7: Wild Wild West

Thanks for the pictures. I like the bottom right. I think it will be very difficult to accurately depict his smirk.

Its difficult as there are no other pic with that same exact smirk at different angles.. He has think lips, the other pics have a similar smirk. I think it goes more with the character than a straight face... let me know gang input!!!!
Re: ART FIGS PROJECT 7: Wild Wild West

I prefer the bottom center photo. Smirk just looks to exaggerated. It's affecting his eyes.
Re: ART FIGS PROJECT 7: Wild Wild West

Yes, bottom center looks good to me as well.