i'm just looking for a straight answer here. if i don't receive an answer by the end of the week i'm going to have to contact the paypal resolution center. not trying to be an @ss here but i resent the zero communication nature of this transaction on humberto's part.
(1) it doesn't take but a minute or two to answer an email 
(2) the sculpt has already been cast (i see them in the picture
(3) i'm not requesting paint or finishing services that incur more time
if the pieces are going out only AFTER the jason 4 full figs are dropping THEN someone just say that. very simple. i can wait if i have too, though i wasn't expecting to given the implied nature of the transaction.
i'm not a man with financial means so tying up my money in this fashion is detrimental to my livelihood when there's no concrete answer as to when these will ship. honestly, i read the post, it said SALES thread, the casts were lined up, photographed and i assumed they were available immediately.
the general timeliness & availability in collecting my money has in no way whatsoever been reflected in the 'after purchase' communication style - which is nonexistent on humberto's part 
in fact the contrast is stark 
i just need an answer. just some typed words. 3 minutes tops.