Ok so an update on current set issues. One of the "lost" sets has been returned to me! I have contacted Siriusty, the returned set, and I will be sending that back out soon.
- Siriusty: China: set returned to me; resending soon
- FinalDemon: China: Sets were received
-Offomake: China: contacted me and have NOT received as of 1/3/18
-DkDk: Japan: set was received
-K-Jun: South Korea: set was received
-DJFresh: UK: contacted me and have NOT received; tracking updates as recently as 1/2/18 "In transit to destination"
-cPoll36: UK: tracking indicates no delivery but has not contacted me
So at this point there is only ONE set confirmed not delivered. I have still not heard specifically from cPoll36 to confirm delivery or not, and I have not heard recently from DJFresh, though I will be contacting him again shortly.
That being said, as I have state from the beginning, if any of you three do not receive your set don't worry, I will send you a replacement. Furthermore, because I have been preparing for this possibility I will likely have a few sets available when all is said and done that i will make available. Thanks again for the understanding those of you with the delays.