Custom Kit Bash Bruce Wayne pictures!

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Super Freak
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
Sunny California
I know I know, sorry to start another thread.. but I'm really lazy.. but I want to see ALL the Kit Bashed Bruce Waynes from the Hot Toys figures.. thanks!! I just got a truetype and waiting on it!
The thread title is misleading. It's like a restaurant with a sign "HOT PIZZA" and when you go in to eat the owner says "Hey, you got any HOT PIZZA?" You made the baby jesus cry. Happy?

Hers one.. :lol :lol
Maybe it is the flash, but he looks like a Junkie in that pic, or like Patrick Bateman at the end of American Psycho...far end, when he calls his lawyer and goes nuts on the phone, or maybe all I see is Junkies right now.
here are a few of Bruce trying out a couple of different looks. enjoy!

There's the alternate 'First Night Out' costume :lol

The prototype KNIGHT armor

And finally Bruce Rambo!
I knew I shouldn't have started this thread.. :mwaha lol come on guys!! I want to see more bruce wayne bashes.. I'm still deciding which version I should make..

Does anybody have that picture of a custom with the black trench coat and ropes?
Alfred: "Mrs. Kyle called, Master Wayne, she says she wants her catsuit back."

The rambo looks great.
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