Custom Kit Bash Bruce Wayne pictures!

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This is the website where I bought the body, neck, and pegs for my Nurse Joker. It might be a little more expensive for a Bruce Wayne because you have to buy the shoes and hands.

Ugh while its still cheap I'm looking at 20 something for everything not including shipping I might still try ebay then since you have to buy things separate anyways. But Toys2 might still have some available brand new but shipping to the U.S. is a pain in the...... :banghead
Ugh while its still cheap I'm looking at 20 something for everything not including shipping I might still try ebay then since you have to buy things separate anyways. But Toys2 might still have some available brand new but shipping to the U.S. is a pain in the...... :banghead

I have an TT pre-order from Joe (on the boards). Last I heard from Joe, HT isn't being forthcoming about dates. Joe hasn't followed up with me in awhile either so I'm in limbo. As I understand, HT is sending out a TT shipment soon (whenever soon is).

If you want a complete version and don't mind waiting until their in stock pre-order from a carrier. I'm at the point of looking for alternate options.
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I just got my BARBIE Enchanted suit. It doesn't look as good in person, but that is on the barbie body. The shirt and pants are one piece. The jacket looks pretty good, and the overcoat looks great. I'm sure it will look amazing on a truetype body. Once my truetype body arrives, I'll make the transfer. Will post pics once it's done.
If the shirt and pants are one piece, how do you take it off? Do you have to do some cutting or is there some long zipper/velcro in the back?
I just got my BARBIE Enchanted suit. It doesn't look as good in person, but that is on the barbie body. The shirt and pants are one piece. The jacket looks pretty good, and the overcoat looks great. I'm sure it will look amazing on a truetype body. Once my truetype body arrives, I'll make the transfer. Will post pics once it's done.

Awww...thats a little disappointing with the shirt & pants being one piece, though it might help lessen the bulk on the waist dramatically. Hope it turn out as nice as the one pictured when it shows up at my door, as I do have a head & TT body waiting for it. :D
oh no...this body waiting for his TDK isnt coming do a lil unpatience bash..


Hey Venom where did you get that suit? who's it made by?
is it a suit/body set like saturday toys do? Price?

Can we have a mini review of the quality? Price?
I think that'd make a perfect Tony Stark bash too

Cheers mate

Linton <-- this suit looks pretty good..i bought a black and white one from will be here soon for my hot toys BB wayne headsculpt.
That ebay'er is actually one of the many HK-based sellers specializing in 1/6 clothing. I'm just not sure how the quality is - so looking forward to seeing your photos soon :)
Awww...thats a little disappointing with the shirt & pants being one piece, though it might help lessen the bulk on the waist dramatically. Hope it turn out as nice as the one pictured when it shows up at my door, as I do have a head & TT body waiting for it. :D

i have the suit and the head waiting for the TT body! Should get it next week. I'm all ready to put the suit on. Ironed it and all. Actually looks quite good, and like you said, having it as one piece really does reduce the bulk. It's the EXACT suit as the pic earlier on, so I have high hopes.