Custom Kit Bash Bruce Wayne pictures!

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Okay, serious now. Bruce in training look.
using the Rambo III body, and a pair of black trouser taken from my hasbro Lando figure.




:lol:lol:lol I'm still hearing "ooohhhhh chase me!!!"

Man Bale was huge back then! The Rambo body isn't nearly "big" enough.
:lol:lol:lol I'm still hearing "ooohhhhh chase me!!!"

Man Bale was huge back then! The Rambo body isn't nearly "big" enough.

I think it's just the folds of his trousers that make him look 'big' and 'huge':naughty :rotfl

Chase me big boy!:rotfl
Bale actually was pretty big for begins. Because he had done the machinest where he dropped down to the lower 100s to be super thin before he was asked by nolan to audition for begins, nolan impressed upon him that he had to get big fast to make the wb execs see him as batman.

He stuffed his face and trained himself up to about 220 and got big as a bear compared to his usual slimmer but cut size. When he showed up nolan told him he had to slim down so he ended up losing weight and going back down to about 200. He's smaller in TDK though, not nearly as big as he was in begins.
Although that enthusiasm allowed him to break the weight gain record for a film by putting on 100lbs was previously held by Vincent D'Onofrio for Full Metal Jacket. The numbers keep varying depending on where you look if Bale beat it by 20 or 30lbs
Some mix and match



Couldn't find a dark coloured suit yet, using Clark Kent's suit from the one from the Hot Toys Superman 2-in-1



Same suit, black t-shirt from an ACE Navy SEAL CQB set for a slightly more casual look.
He stuffed his face and trained himself up to about 220 and got big as a bear compared to his usual slimmer but cut size. When he showed up nolan told him he had to slim down so he ended up losing weight and going back down to about 200. He's smaller in TDK though, not nearly as big as he was in begins.

This is actually false. See Batman Begins wasn't entirely filmed in chronological order. There are scenes in the Bat-suit where he has more weight on than others. Bale was biggest at the start of filming. The majority of the scenes filmed in Shepperton (like the Narrows scenes) was when he was very big. That training scene is one example, but because of how hot the suit was Bale was losing weight during the filming of BEGINS. By the time it was late summer while they were filming in Chicago, he had lost alot of weight. Scenes of him as Batman where he's at his heaviest. The Narrows stuff with Rachel and kid. The scene of him asking Gordon if he can drive stick, etc. And you'll notice in all those scenes, he's so big that some extra chin is being pushed out by the shrinking rubber of the costume. Now, if you notice by the final scene in the movie, where much of the outdoor stuff for BEGINS in Gotham was filmed in Chicago, he looks perfect in the Bat-suit. No extra chin, etc.

To be honest Bale was too big when he started filming for BEGINS. By the end he was at the right size mass wise, and having met him both in the summer of '04 while filming, and last summer while filming TDK ... he was about the same size as he was at the end of BEGINS. He is noticably smaller than those early scenes he filmed for BEGINS in Iceland and England, but he still is a very solid built guy. He didn't lose any actual weight compared to the size he was when finished filming BEGINS as he was when he started TDK. And if you notice, he always looked much better in the BEGINS cowl when he finally attained the appropriate size. No double chin syndrome.
I actually think the perfect body proportions for bale is the ACE body. I had one before and it is noticably thicker. it's not as aestheticly pleasing as the HT rubber body.

I got the saturday toys mens suit figure for Wayne but the Hot toys True-type neck is too short for that body - too much of it disappears below collar level leaving him looking like a hunchback. Till I figure out a solution I'm currently just using that as a generic suited man with the Rentworth miller head from the caucasian true-type.

The suit didn't work on the true-type body itself - he ended up looking like he was wearing american football gear with massively broad shoulders so I didn't go that route either.

I considered raising the ball inside the Saturday toys body so the Bale head would in turn sit higher above the shoulders but, no matter how hard I tried or what I used, I could not break the ball free from the body. Typically these things only break when you don't want them to.
Heres my pictures of Bruce wayne.. nicely fit suit. I told you guys that the saturday toys suit was too bulky and not fit to measure like bruce wayne's style!! but no one listens :iono








yeah its on a true type body and no I didn't do any mods to the body!

I hate the saturday toys suit... it's horribly tailored and too baggy... Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne wouldn't be caught dead wearing that... it has to be a nice slim suit that is tailored. I'm going to try my options for the Bruce wayne that I'm making.. and saturday toys is defintely not one.

its a toy soldier suit.
Nice! looks a lot better on the true type then the saturday toys one, i agree.
Thanks adev and venakin, i was looking at hte saturday toys set cause it was a body/suit in one but since the head doesnt fit that sucks, but that toy soldier suit looks nice, so i ordered it an a ht true type from goodstuff togo and its about the same price as the saturday toys suit set anyway so its all good.
nice! better looking suit...the mahoney suit does look a little bulky on him as ive seen on other borads/threads...

hottoys suit fits better, the one from kent or the prison break guy...
I still think he looks best on a Saturday Toys suit with the body the suit comes on....

