Custom Kit Bash Bruce Wayne pictures!

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I think I want him to stay like this till I get more gear to make a full training bruce.






I made this tie out of cloth and superglue.

I think I want him to stay like this till I get more gear to make a full training bruce.






I made this tie out of cloth and superglue.


Nice!!! Trying to figure out what to do with my Saturday Toys suit arriving next week. I also have the new Tru type neck coming but I read it's too short to go with the Saturday Toys suit body. I guess my customizing skills will be put to the test. Nice work on that tho Venakin! I want mine to look like that!
I think the Saturday Toys suit and body look just fine for Bruce Wayne. Haven't futzed him yet, but other than the slightly large hands, he looks pretty good. Using a HT neck and it fits perfect to the Saturday Toys body.



Didn't see these. Maybe Saturday Toys body will work? Argh. Just want it to arrive so I can see for myself!
Nice!!! Trying to figure out what to do with my Saturday Toys suit arriving next week. I also have the new Tru type neck coming but I read it's too short to go with the Saturday Toys suit body. I guess my customizing skills will be put to the test. Nice work on that tho Venakin! I want mine to look like that!

Yeah I think you read my posts. I've tried my hand at customising it and been found wanting. I don't know how to go about it in this case. I've tried raising the ball inside the Sat toys body but couldn't get the ball to break off!! I cannot believe I wanted to break a toy and it wouldn't break!!!
got my truetype and toysoldier suit, fantastic stuff:

Quick pic cause i dont have alot of time tonight, but im very happy with it. Compared to the ACI suit set i got for my craig bond, this suit is loads better. It fits so nicely and looks smooth. Plus as a bonus the suit jacket came with the shirt already in it, so i just had to slip both on in one and close it all up, and the shoes were already tied. I love the velcro on the shirt and pants, makes alot smoother closer and fit than the metal buttons on the aci suit and this suit fits the truetype very well. The asian truetype is also a perfect match for the bruce skintone. Im a little dissapointed that the normal hands that came with this body are not bendy but just posed normal, nicer sculpt than the bendy ones but i do like the poseability of the bendy ones, but ah well still good.

Im deffinately going to consider getting another set of these for Tony Stark when he comes.
Whats with all the Hot Toys headsculpt customs? I want to see the Andy B sculpt.

drilled and ready to paint soon... and YES I DID ALTER IT (DON'T JUDGE ME :), NO DISRESPECTS ANDY!!! JUST WANTED TO BE UNIQUE and I kinda didn't like the bang.

Best Chris bale likeness ever... Thanks andy and wofford.



I made sure he had that little resigning/curve on his hair line.
Great work Ven, I did the same thing recently for a commission, does look nice also with out the loose strand of hair :)
Seems like the True-type is gives him too broad of shoulders... so far whatever EvilFace chose looks best too me. Wonder how hard it would be to swap out different hands?
lol.. I'm been super busy.. I have not able to paint it yet.. and plus I have to get more paints.. ^^^^! I hate college.
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Found this pic online, anyone know which company makes this suit?

Like the suit, but not really the tie though.
