Custom Kit Bash Bruce Wayne pictures!

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Sweet hopefully these are tailored alittle bit better, and hopefully not just black kinda want some different colord suits.

Even the model for the suit looks like Bruce Wayne.. I believe it is tailored made for the hot toys true type body :monkey5

Hey, that looks familiar :D


I think this suit looks good, gives abit of variety instead of the usual all-black or all-navy suits. Kinda look like that Toys2 suit posted a few pages back.

I haven't been able to find the original Saturday Toys suits either! Darn it!

My HT Bruce Wayne is wearing a cheap suit (even this billionaire feels the financial crisis)...

loved that. :rotfl:lol:rotfl

I'm glad to see this new suit on the horizon.
I haven't bought mine yet so will wait. They could make a suit for Robert Downey now for iron man maybe.
his suits looked pretty bad with the bell bottom pants to hid those ridculously thick lifts in his shoes... he looked almost as bad of a cast as joaquin phoenix was in walk the line.. height wise of course... superb acting by both though.
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that might be fake actually , the words go into the suit making them unreadable since there the same color after the words saturdaytoys in red.
Plus I can't find anything about this on google anywhere .

I am interested if theres a link to where this was found.
yeah I know.. just wondering maybe saturday toys did do that poster to directly target TDK fans to buy their suits... and maybe they'll make a suit that look like the ones in the film.. just curious.. iono.
I think it is real. The pic was originally posted over at the Hong Kong toy boards and no one is saying that it is fake. Saturday Toys has been known to release movie-tie in stuff (inconspicuously of course) :lol

I think it is real. The pic was originally posted over at the Hong Kong toy boards and no one is saying that it is fake. Saturday Toys has been known to release movie-tie in stuff (inconspicuously of course) :lol

Thanks for plugging my pix darren1228, good fun to be had with the above clothes set from Sat Toys.

Back to topic, I added a trench coat to my kitbashed Bruce Wayne.

The collars on the coat are amazingly huge.

More pix here.
If someone dressed like that in real life they'd be publicly ridiculed. Like I've said before: The majority of 1/6 scale clothing SUCKS!!!