Custom Kit Bash Bruce Wayne pictures!

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Looks good Falconer.
I just got the same suit yesterday...ordered from Asmus...took a week from Taiwan.
Pics coming soon.

Sweet, you'll love it! I've now put him away for the moment as I'm in the process of organising my collection into a new home will be posting pics of that when it starts I think possibly steaming the suit might resolve the creasing and make it hang even better on the body.

Looking forward to seeing your pics :hi5:
Sweet, you'll love it! I've now put him away for the moment as I'm in the process of organising my collection into a new home will be posting pics of that when it starts I think possibly steaming the suit might resolve the creasing and make it hang even better on the body.

Looking forward to seeing your pics :hi5:

Yup, steamed it right away, small creases from packing.
Looks good even though it isn't specifically tailored to the body like Kato or others would do.
I am very happy to finally display a Bruce Wayne.
Some quick outside shots.
I need to futz the suit a bit more.
I need to clean my lens...:slap
The suit pants really don't have the deepest pockets and they are rather small so I got the peg in the



I'm happy with the suit so far, like I said, just needs some more futz action.
The Asmus looks pretty good. Still debating on a suit or casual Bruce. I noticed you put him on a regular TT, you think a narrow would work with that suit?
I'm selling my Wayne suit w/TT figure if anyone's interested :)

Love that Medicom suit...good luck with your sale.

The Asmus looks pretty good. Still debating on a suit or casual Bruce. I noticed you put him on a regular TT, you think a narrow would work with that suit?

I'm no expert on bodies, but I believe others have said a narrow would work for Bruce Wayne.
I feel the regular body (TTM-21) looks more like Bale's physique, so that's the one I chose.
I ordered my Asmus suit from their site this morning. I do have a regular TTM21 that I was originally going to use for this bash, but I think I'm going to use one of the TTM22 bodies I have on the way instead.
The Asmus looks pretty good. Still debating on a suit or casual Bruce. I noticed you put him on a regular TT, you think a narrow would work with that suit?

After speaking to Mogli he suggested the regular body and after using it I think the regular body is perfect for BW, I personally felt the slim/narrow shoulder would have given him 'is he wearing his Dad's suit?' look.
I have the asmus suit on a narrow Shoulder TT, the prison break one, and I think it looks good. I don't have any of the new TT21, so I can't compare, but they look pretty similar.

I think the slim body would not only look too skinny for Bale, but also too short, so you'd have to add the ankle extensions at least.
Here's my LOS ninja Bruce with DX12 head
on the new figures club ninja Ra's release.
I swapped the body with a TTM21, as I
preferred it over the body it came with.




As others have said, the armor & sword are well worth it &
outfit is nice as well.
Here's my LOS ninja Bruce with DX12 head
on the new figures club ninja Ra's release.
I swapped the body with a TTM21, as I
preferred it over the body it came with.




As others have said, the armor & sword are well worth it &
outfit is nice as well.

Wow. That is amazing. Might have to look into that set
Here is a quick shot of my Asmus suit, compared to a Figureboss suit. I need to go back and iron the suit on again, but overall I'm happy with it.

Those look great Ryan...that Alfred is top drawer!

I've started the process of smoothing out the lapels, didn't like how small they were. I steamed them a bit by holding the jacket over the kettle steam and created new creases with my hands.
You can see the progress so far in the shots below.


In this next photo you can see the original crease line.
my TT21 from Amiami should be here next week, i just ordered the Asmus Wayne Suit so in a few weeks i'l have Bruce Wayne to go with my DX12 :blissy
W the right pose the suits are mostly quite good. The only thing that make most still look toyish is the tie and possibly the shirt. Just usually too comically large

:borg "Resistance is Futile"
Trying to pick up the asmus suit but they won't accept my email address trying to tell me it is not valid??. Anyone had that issue before with them? it is a email doubt that should be an issue although my .com email works fine?

[edit] used my .com email how long does it normally take to get to the uk from these guys week or so?. Bought myself the TTM21 aswell from darren at collectiblekitbash. so finally be able to put my DX12 head to use, been wanting to do a BW custom for a while. now heres hoping i don't cave and want the Bat armory
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