Head sculpture Homelander Headsculpt

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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Active member
Nov 12, 2020
Reaction score
Homelander Headsculpt

20pcs only,

unpainted USD130
painted USD230

full payment only,
[email protected]

free shipping to US and ASIA
for other countries please add 25

thank you,


Hey. I paid you $300 and you ghosted..
like I said before many times in our conversation.
I can't refund you now,

because project custom full figure works by some artists,
not only me,

so after deposit in,
payment was shared to other artists to do their jobs,

and for your order,
the problem was the tailor man gone,
and I already use another tailor artist,

so please your patience, and wait for complete, before we talk again.
like I said before many times in our conversation.
I can't refund you now,

because project custom full figure works by some artists,
not only me,

so after deposit in,
payment was shared to other artists to do their jobs,

and for your order,
the problem was the tailor man gone,
and I already use another tailor artist,

so please your patience, and wait for complete, before we talk again.
No way man. You've lost my trust. I can't give you any more of my money. Where was this transparency before? Why did you invest in a new tailor after I already asked to cancel?

Good luck with your endeavours. But I'm not betting any more on this project. Best I can do is let you keep $50, maybe $70. And I think that's fair. Just refund me the rest and I'll be on my way.