Rainman Artworks - Dracula

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Because recasts of it showing up on eBay would be my guess.

I'm sure there are but I don't pay attention to those. I forgot that it says "Only One" on the picture, so I realized later what he was talking about. Not sure what "Only One" is supposed to mean because I've seen several custom full figure Caesar out there (definitely done with original sculpts). It seems like he doesn't restock them anymore, maybe that's due to popularity.
It's been a long time ago so I'm not 100% sure but I think when he first put it up on the site he painted one himself and put just that one for sale. It has been present in previous restocks though, so not sure why it's not available now.
It's been a long time ago so I'm not 100% sure but I think when he first put it up on the site he painted one himself and put just that one for sale. It has been present in previous restocks though, so not sure why it's not available now.

Yep, that's why it said "only one." Because only one was painted by him and sold. He sold the cast itself on a few occasions, though.

Ah, there ya go. Now it finally makes sense :lol

I got an Aeon painted one a few years ago with no real serious plans of getting a full figure completed. I just always liked the sculpt itself and wanted to own one

I talked to Fergo. He said his package has arrived in Korea.

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I sent a message to Rainman asking about when shipping will be sent out Cap n Cook and everyone else who is interested. Let's see if i get a response. If so I'll post.

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Wow, 6 months. This has been hands down the longest turn around for RM. I haven't even looked at the proto pics in months, but just did now and it recharged my pump. Curious to see how the logo crest was handled. We never saw a finished pic of that, did we?
I'm steering clear of this thread until it is in hand. I want to savour the unboxing with no spoilers
Yes! On shipping.

Does anyone know web service that I can track the shipment?