Rainman Artworks - Dracula

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Oh, boy......I guess I'm all in again.

It's looking good for both versions.
Based on that new pic, do you think he sculpted the young version, molded it while still soft, and is now carving and modeling over? There is so much texture there for me to think it's a new sculpt. Crazy.
I would tend to believe he is modding the Victorian base sculpt. He seems to be working on the mouth and head portion most so looks like rest he is retaining from the Victorian one.

But I have no clue how sculpting is done so unless I am wrong / would he not have to make two Victorian sculpts to play around / mod one and retain the other! For two separate casts / So modding original sculpt may not be practical? Or may be he just made two base sculpts and din harden them at all so that he could do both in "soft state"

Based on that new pic, do you think he sculpted the young version, molded it while still soft, and is now carving and modeling over? There is so much texture there for me to think it's a new sculpt. Crazy.

do you think this is gonna be quick sell out ? i would like to get red robe version , but not sure if i can grab cose i am not vip :/ and not sure if there will be open for public

if you can help me on this would be awesome. if you think its gonna be quick sell out i have friends that are vip members so maybe they can grab for me.

ty in advance all
You've gotta keep a Rainman reserve fund for just such circumstances! I'm actually a bit grateful that I'm not interested in this or the Exorcist stuff, so I haven't had to add to that reserve in awhile!
Rainman reserve fund is more imp than a 401k ;)

I will surely pick up the Victorian one! May even go dx with the red robe version (but as of now am 50-50 on it)
Having passed regan (fund issue is non existent as of now) so that's a good part!

Having said that I think boss man Levit is on every possible list on the custom section so I can understand when he says it would be better if this was after holiday season!

You've gotta keep a Rainman reserve fund for just such circumstances! I'm actually a bit grateful that I'm not interested in this or the Exorcist stuff, so I haven't had to add to that reserve in awhile!

:lol I love Exorcist as a film, but like Lakhota it's just too damn disturbing for me to have on display. And I think that Dracula movie was kinda not great. There are several vampires I would buy if Rainman did them--Nosferatu, Lugosi Drac, even Severen from Near Dark, but not this. Love Gary Oldman though, and would love to see Rainman tackle one of his roles that I really dig one of these days.
:lol I love Exorcist as a film, but like Lakhota it's just too damn disturbing for me to have on display. And I think that Dracula movie was kinda not great. Love Gary Oldman though, and would love to see Rainman tackle one of his roles that I really dig one of these days.

I agree also, not really interested in Dracula, I think a lot of you are having nostalgia flashbacks. I would go watch it again as an adult. I am interested in Mr. Lee's artwork so I am not completely out on this figure but leaning towards probably not. It can all change at reveal, I have a feeling this will be a quick sell out. If you love the movie congratulations!
I'm probably not going to buy this either out of lack of interest in the character, but if Stansfield is anything to go by, the sculpts will be great and of course everything else will be at an incredible standard.
I think Oldman was the stand out performance easily which interests me in this figure but I love the design of the film. The colors and textures of the film were outstanding even if the movie itself is less than awesome. I'm also a sucker for Hollywood turn of the century design.
I think the movie is incredible....if you turn the sound off first.

The entire look of the movie, the costumes, the sets, Coppola's strict adherence to old school effects techniques, all work together to create a visual feast but they're fighting a losing battle against the atrocious casting of the two young 'lovers'. Ryder struggles with her accent like she's got chunks of cake stuck in her teeth (which is weird because she probably lived solely off water and lettuce leaves back then), whilst Keanu straight out mutilates his. The scene where the silvery haired Keanu, climbing into a carriage, spots the now de-aged Dracula, is the one that always sticks in my mind. it's like someone's spliced in a scene from Monty Python just for s**ts and giggles.
.... i thought that soundtrack was pretty legit!:dunno

I could do with everything but keanu reeves. Just the worst actor possibly.