Rainman Artworks - Dracula

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I think Oldman was the stand out performance easily which interests me in this figure but I love the design of the film. The colors and textures of the film were outstanding even if the movie itself is less than awesome. I'm also a sucker for Hollywood turn of the century design.
This is definitely true. Great looking film.
I'm probably not going to buy this either out of lack of interest in the character, but if Stansfield is anything to go by, the sculpts will be great and of course everything else will be at an incredible standard.

RAINMAN did mention possibly using the reagan body for matilda, so dare i say he should really revist stansfield as well. The sculpt would be so much more detailed and likeness improved.
Make sure he (or yunsil) get the design for that sigil right.


I want to buy the set of Dracula as it exits the pre-order, I am registered from a year but I've never bought anything, it seems that there is a priority to VIP Members !!! What does it mean?? I can buy from the site or not ?? I am a VIP member ??
You will not be a VIP member. VIP embers get first offering then th general sale opens up.

The times will be posted up here when it's available for ordering. Likely in a month or under.
Just finished watching the video on Instagram....wow this guy is a machine. I kinda wonder if he slowed down a bit would more detail and dead accurate look/likeness come out of the sculpt?.....But, I also remember a custom artist commenting that taking more time to do something (a sculpt) will not necessarily determine a better or more detailed finished outcome.

I guess this is Rainmans lane...A natural born talent and insane level of skill, responsibility (has kept his prices extremely fair) and work ethic at how fast the work is done and he pumps this out.....Not by machine! All sculpted by HAND! (Which tends to be overlooked even though its easily the truest part of this art form).

Really enjoy watching the video clip. This guy (this team) never cease to amaze me. :clap
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I don't think you need to worry too much! His last two releases have been available for weeks! Many cancellations as well post sell out! This may be a bit more in demand than previous 2 but again I do think everyone will end up getting what they want! Not all are going to go for both versions so you will be ok in my view! Even if it gets sold out / keep watching his site a week or so! many cancellations happen and you will be able to pick up in case you miss the release date! But ideally try to bucket one on the day of the release :) speak cart jacking a will happen but you will be able to get one (hopefully)

OK thank you for the reply

There are always second thoughts, but this does not stay long in stock !! Many consider Oldman in Dracula a Holy Grail, for the costumes and the film itself which is now a cult.

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Not sure which one I'd pick. I have always kind of liked the Victorian outfit more.
He also usually sells painted head/outfit/accessory sets for around $500-550, and often sells "DX" versions with a special accessory for $1,000. This release looks like it might go the route of Taxi Driver, where he offered a set with a full figure, plus all the parts minus the body you need for a second, for $1,300.