tantive IV

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Well... almost done....again those friggin' lights keep failing on me. Will get it fixed this week and post some more pics. Enjoy...
Dude that is redonkulas! How much would u charge me to commission one of these sets unpainted?
Dude that is redonkulas! How much would u charge me to commission one of these sets unpainted?

It will cost a fortune to ship it...it's all made of wood and weighs a ton.....and it's a once in a lifetime build. I will be moving to other scenes. The dewback needs a home as does my upcoming Fett.
that looks spectacular as is right now.............:lecture..............once the lights are all fixed it will be a :thud:
It will cost a fortune to ship it...it's all made of wood and weighs a ton.....and it's a once in a lifetime build. I will be moving to other scenes. The dewback needs a home as does my upcoming Fett.

That makes me sad in the pants! If u change your mind let me know id probly be capable of making the stairs if u could do the lights and the round wood part.
omg u are in the neatherlands that probly is what will make the shippping un realistic!

I hope u are exstreamly proud of that!
OHHHH MummmA, that is so freakin sweet, I loved your Tantive IV but this is the best Diorama EVER!!!!, do you have plans you can share or do you do it on the fly?