What's up everyone!? Been a long time! I hope this message finds all my fellow collectors in good health and happiness! I am making this post today as I need to call upon the community and help make another 1/6 dream become a reality!
As most of you know already I reside in NYC and have my whole life. Coming up as a young teen in the early 90s I was highly enamored with the street wear that the older cats and hustlers were sporting. Always fly, always fresh, head to toe. Which brings me to the outfit I want to speak to you about.
First off. Are you a Tupac fan!?
If so then you know the film Juice right!? Lol It's only the first movie he starred in and made a huge impact with his portrayal of flip artist Roland Bishop. Highly memorable and even though he was the villain, you couldn't help but love Bishop cause he just didn't give a ****. He wanted that Juice on the streets and didn't care how it went down to get it!
When this film was released I couldn't watch it at the theatre as people were getting shot during screenings and such during that time. So I had to wait for the VHS rental and what a glorious day it was. When Bishop walked on screen the camera focused in on his 40 below Timberlands and panned up on the whole outfit. I knew I was in for something special. It was like I was watching people on my own block on the screen. It just accurately portrayed the streets of NYC in that time period perfectly. This was my come up. Not only that, the movie was amazing!
So let me stop rambling and get to the point. As you may or may not know I have tried to commission this project a couple years ago but was turned down as it was deemed to be to expensive to produce. So I moved forward to the Warlock Coveralls project. Well now the Warlock Coveralls project is complete and I just can't get Bishop out of my mind.
So I reached out to the Queen, Yunsil and asked again if we could try and make this happen. After a little back and forth I've been given a green light. Only thing is of course, the price is high. Really high! So to make this work at a reasonable price we need 30 dedicated individuals to make this happen.
Now as for the outfit. I have been on the hunt forever for the actual Carhartt Jacket that Bishop wears in the opening scene. A couple years ago I finally found it on e-bay. Not my size so no purchase but I was able to 100% identify the coat and get accurate photos as well. It is a Carhartt JQ172 Quilted Liner Jacket. The lining inside this jacket is a diamond patterned beautiful red that just peeks out of the navy exterior as you see in the film photos. This Jacket is also the main reason for the high cost of the project to produce it accurately.
So the outfit will consist of:
Carhartt JQ172 Navy Jacket w/ Quilted Inner Red Lining
Navy Blue Hoody
Blue Jeans
White V-Neck T-Shirt
White Boxer Shorts
As far as bodies go I was gonna have it fit for a TTM 18 but I'm open to switching it up if we can agree on something better. I like the Worldbox AT032 and think it may be a better choice. What do you think?
Now on to the realness.....
This project is priced at $850 at 30pcs ordered.
As I said before I'm looking for dedicated individuals to make this happen. I know yall are out there. As with all my projects I ask for half or close to half down for full commitment.
So I'm asking for a $400 deposit to lock down your set. When the prototype is complete, estimated to be sometime in 2023 I will be asking for the remainder balance. This has always been my way I do my runs and it's always worked flawlessly.
Now I also understand that this may seem a little hard to commit to without a set Headsculpt and Boots to go with the figure. But I trust that you trust I want to see this done. And of course, at the highest quality possible! But first things first. The clothing!
This outfit being produced is the hardest thing to make happen. It's also the main ingredient in the Bishop Juice stew!
My next dream is to have the real boots. I have already contacted Tatiana Bugai about the Timberland 40 Below Super Boots but she's some things going on so it may not happen. But we have other options as well. Yeah I'm talking bout' you Andy!
As for the sculpt Odell already has a Bishop Headsculpt in process. I'm also seeking out another alternative but I can't feel as strong to shoot my shot till I know this outfit is locked and loaded.
So with all my heart and soul in this game I ask that you join my cause to see a niche cult character get brought to life in 1/6 glory! I won't do you wrong and I can't do it without your support!!!
The faster deposits are locked in I can lay down the order and were good to go! Let's make it happen!
So..... are you down? Do you have the Juice!?
2.O. Young (FB)
3.J. Rose (FB)
4.A. Gonsalves (FB)
5.R. Clarke (FB)
6.A. Corey (FB)
7.J. Andujar (FB)
8.J. Williams (FB)
9.T. Alvarez (FB)
10.H. Saad (FB)
11.R.Niswander (FB)
12.V. Juan (FB)
13.J.Maldanado (FB)
14.J.Rigs (FB)
What's up everyone!? Been a long time! I hope this message finds all my fellow collectors in good health and happiness! I am making this post today as I need to call upon the community and help make another 1/6 dream become a reality!
As most of you know already I reside in NYC and have my whole life. Coming up as a young teen in the early 90s I was highly enamored with the street wear that the older cats and hustlers were sporting. Always fly, always fresh, head to toe. Which brings me to the outfit I want to speak to you about.
First off. Are you a Tupac fan!?
If so then you know the film Juice right!? Lol It's only the first movie he starred in and made a huge impact with his portrayal of flip artist Roland Bishop. Highly memorable and even though he was the villain, you couldn't help but love Bishop cause he just didn't give a ****. He wanted that Juice on the streets and didn't care how it went down to get it!

When this film was released I couldn't watch it at the theatre as people were getting shot during screenings and such during that time. So I had to wait for the VHS rental and what a glorious day it was. When Bishop walked on screen the camera focused in on his 40 below Timberlands and panned up on the whole outfit. I knew I was in for something special. It was like I was watching people on my own block on the screen. It just accurately portrayed the streets of NYC in that time period perfectly. This was my come up. Not only that, the movie was amazing!

So let me stop rambling and get to the point. As you may or may not know I have tried to commission this project a couple years ago but was turned down as it was deemed to be to expensive to produce. So I moved forward to the Warlock Coveralls project. Well now the Warlock Coveralls project is complete and I just can't get Bishop out of my mind.
So I reached out to the Queen, Yunsil and asked again if we could try and make this happen. After a little back and forth I've been given a green light. Only thing is of course, the price is high. Really high! So to make this work at a reasonable price we need 30 dedicated individuals to make this happen.
Now as for the outfit. I have been on the hunt forever for the actual Carhartt Jacket that Bishop wears in the opening scene. A couple years ago I finally found it on e-bay. Not my size so no purchase but I was able to 100% identify the coat and get accurate photos as well. It is a Carhartt JQ172 Quilted Liner Jacket. The lining inside this jacket is a diamond patterned beautiful red that just peeks out of the navy exterior as you see in the film photos. This Jacket is also the main reason for the high cost of the project to produce it accurately.

So the outfit will consist of:
Carhartt JQ172 Navy Jacket w/ Quilted Inner Red Lining
Navy Blue Hoody
Blue Jeans
White V-Neck T-Shirt
White Boxer Shorts

As far as bodies go I was gonna have it fit for a TTM 18 but I'm open to switching it up if we can agree on something better. I like the Worldbox AT032 and think it may be a better choice. What do you think?
Now on to the realness.....
This project is priced at $850 at 30pcs ordered.
As I said before I'm looking for dedicated individuals to make this happen. I know yall are out there. As with all my projects I ask for half or close to half down for full commitment.
So I'm asking for a $400 deposit to lock down your set. When the prototype is complete, estimated to be sometime in 2023 I will be asking for the remainder balance. This has always been my way I do my runs and it's always worked flawlessly.
Now I also understand that this may seem a little hard to commit to without a set Headsculpt and Boots to go with the figure. But I trust that you trust I want to see this done. And of course, at the highest quality possible! But first things first. The clothing!
This outfit being produced is the hardest thing to make happen. It's also the main ingredient in the Bishop Juice stew!
My next dream is to have the real boots. I have already contacted Tatiana Bugai about the Timberland 40 Below Super Boots but she's some things going on so it may not happen. But we have other options as well. Yeah I'm talking bout' you Andy!
As for the sculpt Odell already has a Bishop Headsculpt in process. I'm also seeking out another alternative but I can't feel as strong to shoot my shot till I know this outfit is locked and loaded.
So with all my heart and soul in this game I ask that you join my cause to see a niche cult character get brought to life in 1/6 glory! I won't do you wrong and I can't do it without your support!!!
The faster deposits are locked in I can lay down the order and were good to go! Let's make it happen!
So..... are you down? Do you have the Juice!?

2.O. Young (FB)
3.J. Rose (FB)
4.A. Gonsalves (FB)
5.R. Clarke (FB)
6.A. Corey (FB)
7.J. Andujar (FB)
8.J. Williams (FB)
9.T. Alvarez (FB)
10.H. Saad (FB)
11.R.Niswander (FB)
12.V. Juan (FB)
13.J.Maldanado (FB)
14.J.Rigs (FB)
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