1. Will Smith as the Fresh Prince (head and clothing set, onesixthvisage paint) $575
2. Forrest Gump (DaiQz head, onesixthvisage paint, DoggieDoc accessories, Iris outfit, Mt. Rushmore belt buckle, Kadirov shoes) $1,200
3. Edward Scissorhands (Scott Pettersen Lonely Boy, custom nickel-electroplated blades, look like weathered steel) $1,000
1. Waruna Han Solo ANH (painted by Waruna) $275
2. Jin Toys Tom Cruise Top Gun v1.0 (1986) painted by Jin $150
3. Jin Toys Iceman Top Gun (1986) painted by Jin $175
4. Inigo Forrest Gump painted by EmeraldKnight $200
5. Dai Qz Forrest Gump unpainted $150 (originally $300)
1. Will Smith as the Fresh Prince (head and clothing set, onesixthvisage paint) $575
2. Forrest Gump (DaiQz head, onesixthvisage paint, DoggieDoc accessories, Iris outfit, Mt. Rushmore belt buckle, Kadirov shoes) $1,200
3. Edward Scissorhands (Scott Pettersen Lonely Boy, custom nickel-electroplated blades, look like weathered steel) $1,000
1. Waruna Han Solo ANH (painted by Waruna) $275
2. Jin Toys Tom Cruise Top Gun v1.0 (1986) painted by Jin $150
3. Jin Toys Iceman Top Gun (1986) painted by Jin $175
4. Inigo Forrest Gump painted by EmeraldKnight $200
5. Dai Qz Forrest Gump unpainted $150 (originally $300)
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