Super Freak

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T vs. O,
Has LW&C been brought up to RM as a REAL release?? This would be an INCREDIBLE set!!!!!!
Check out post #4502 in the 'Driver' thread Siquisiri. You said something like all communication should stop towards Rainman, then just a few hours later you encourage it :lol:slap
You have been mentioning the non communication thing for a while now, yet when the figure takes your fancy your all of a sudden an advocate? Another typical, hypocritical RM fan :lol
As much as I love the Boosh, I don't think there would ever be enough interest to get these two done by Rainman, characters from a quirky British comedy show, really not something I would see as being up his alley to be honest but that's just my opinion.
honestly, if RM were to take on the LW&C set, i'd really prefer he did it based on the manga art as opposed to the movie. not that the movie isnt dope but that kojima goseki artwork is unreal.
I'd have to have the movie "real" look to it since it complement much better what the majority of his figures are.
But really I need that Tomisaburo Wakayama likeness. Needs to be the real deal, no cartoons :lol