Warning Americo Gonzalez is a recast seller & scammer. Jason D. Egitto& I commissioned him to cast our Jason Part 7 body kit. He in turn sold a recasted kit to Jay Stone who in turn sold the recasted pieces on EBay using the same photo Americo sent me of proof of the casting process. Americo also has not turned in the 25 accessory pieces we are owed because he wants to be paid in full before he ships them out. After having told me they were shipped, he printed out a mailing label so as to generate a tracking number. This is common practice for people who need to buy more time or have no intention of delivering said accessories. It is also a tactic he had used in the past when delivering the body kit pieces that were delayed for over 6 months. Instead of delivering all together as requested, he sent everything in incraments several months late as to buy himself more time. That decision cost us over $400 extra in international shipping charges. He see's no wrong doing because 1 of his 3 excuses is that he admittedly gifted the body kit recast to a friend, which doesn't make it any less wrong. He has no right to sell another artists work gift, sale or otherwise. For the sake of transparency, I will answer any & all questions pertaining to this matter. I put my credibility in the 1/6 community up against anyone & challenge him or anyone else to tarnish it. I have detailed PayPal receipts, DM convo's (in Spanish) & photo evidence to back our claims up. The matter is being handled by PayPal. I have also asked permission from the admin to post.. Thank You.