[Closed ]Yunsil/Creg Customs HEADSCULPT COMPLETED {Tony Montana Scarface } DX Release Light SkyBlue Suit + arm orthoic sling

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Hey Levit05

Payment received mate!
you are updated.

Creg is on the head for us and I can’t wait to
see Tony Montana on our shelf !!
I really hope that we get a neckless head, and a nice wristwatch (the weakest part of the Enterbay/Blitzway figures) and a shirt with "1-button “Lapidus” tab cuffs". More interesting pictures at https://bamfstyle.com/2017/07/28/scarface83-bluesuit/

hey Take9, Yunsil is the best with details
and we will be sure the suit is as screen accurate as the suit TM wore :)

As for the Headsculpt, I don’t see Dean making too many neckkess Headsculpt though. I personally am not big fan of the neckless Headsculpt myself especially with figures without a tie.

Dean has been amazing with the neutral expressions and I think he will knock our new TM head out of the park.
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TM fans

Lets get in line for Yunsil. This guy is going to be awesome. If you guys want the watch made, we can add that in !
any updates for the headsculpt, is this cancelled or is there any deadline for the suit?
guy, thank you for waiting but Our TM head is completed.


The run is opened for some more spots and I will close it as soon as we hit 25.
and stand by only after it closes.

We also have the Pinstrip suit as the other suit option

IF Interest is good , we can consider the pinstrip suit..
I see Creg is offering a sculpt. It looks like the sculpt for this project?

Yes sir!

We also have Robbie doing the watch !
We also have 2 other awesome artist
on board doing the weathering of the

Run is open for deposits..

9 more spots and the train is taking off.

I am close to completing my Skyfall Bond
run and as soon as i am finish , I will put more time back to our Gangsters ( Yunsil/Addblue Godfather, Goodfellas , Casino and Joker )

Guys, we got Robbie, Creg Customs New Head is awesome (!) and Doggie on board for this little guy.

I have also signed on
another artist to do our weathering to be announced soon...

There is also the Pinstrip suit option
we can go with as the other option .

We need this Gangster !

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