Clothing set <Completed Shipping>Ironman2 Tony Stark Outfit(IRIS)

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Seunghun lee

Junior Member
Mar 18, 2017
Reaction score
Complete tonystark outfit
Thank you for waiting :)

- Shipped List -
1st shipped : south koreans
2st shipped : 2, 3, 4, 19, 26, 28
3st shipped : 5, 6, 7
4th shipped : next week(24, 25, 29)

Yesterday, I met iris received a tony stark2 outfit sample..

Thank you for waiting.

This time IRIS revise the sample for two times

1. Collar of Shirts
2.Length of pants
3.Length and color of necktie
4. Cuff pattern of the shirts
5. Removed cuff buttons
6. Changed fabric color

Sorry, The cost of the outfit didn't match, so socks were excluded

No more revision, producing would be started.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

I will do my best for the members who waiting for long times and believe me.

I plan to pay the balance for two weeks and close it in two weeks.
(12/ 4/ 2022~26/ 4/ 2022)

* I'll wait one more week from today and end it.(From April 26th to May 3rd)

If you do not deposit the balance by the deadline, it will be considered a cancellation. The booking fee is non-refundable.

After all payments are received, it will be about 3-4 months for outfits to be produced but could be longer depending on IRIS schedule.

국내의 경우 제가 개별적으로 연락을 드릴 테니 잔금 입금 하지 마시기 바랍니다^^

Balance payment start!!!!

balance(250$) + 5% fee = 262.5$(USD)

PayPal ID : [email protected] ----->> "The first letter is a small L"

<Balance payment List>
1. Seunghun Lee(Shipped)
2. WayneCcc(Shipped)
3. WayneCcc(Shipped)
4. figure.shot(instagram) (Shipped)
5. louisadam1013 (Shipped)
6.12inch_custom_ chen (Shipped)
7. manholi_kb24(instagram) (Shipped)
8. (Shipped)
9. ChulChul(instagram) (Shipped)
10. jinirayo(instagram) (Shipped)
11. 김경필 (Shipped)
12. dbwldnd93 (Shipped)
13. Starkindustires (Shipped)
14. Myeongjong Lee (Shipped)
15. Simon8812(instagram) (Shipped)
16. Kyeong heum yeon (Shipped)
17. innos.86(instagram) (Shipped)
18. Nuintic(instagram) (Shipped)
19. Tarang(instagram) (Shipped)
20. bat_ttang(instagram) (Shipped)
21. Milkis_j(instagram) (Shipped)
22. jb_hobby(instagram) (Shipped)
23. kkang (Shipped)
24. jaketan_15 (Shipped)
25. jhai1116 (Shipped)
26. Runkyou(instagram) (Shipped)
27. aitaskms (Shipped)
28. calvenli(Shipped)
29. Pain-ad (Shipped)
30. Jitae (Shipped)
---------------------------- End -----------------------------

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View attachment 443543
View attachment 443544





A few days ago, I met Iris directly and we decided to mak a group purchase of Ironman2 clothes

The group purchase price is 350$ considering increased price of raw textile pruducts and shirts printing cost

The deposit is 100$ + 5% of fee = 105$

"No Refund of Deposit"

PayPal ID : [email protected]

We receive an advance order for 2 weeks from now(korea time : 2/25/2021~3/12/2021)

The advance order will be closed after 2 weeks and there will not be any additional order

(Component) jakect, shirt, pants, tie, socks, hanger chip

-30 limited cloth-

Body : Hottoys hawkeye body+narrow arm

And first sample will be in 7 months from the close date

Thank you.



아이언맨2 토니스타크 의상을 드디어 공구하게 되었습니다..

며칠 전 아이리스 작가님과 만나서 공구 단가에 대해 의논을 하였습니다..

원단비용과 셔츠프린팅 비용 상승으로 인하여 저에게 남는거 없이 공구가 350달러로 측정하였습니다..

비용은 협의를 통하여 최대한 낮추었습니다~

금일부터 2주간 예약금 오더를 받은 뒤 마감할 예정이고 재발매는 하지않습니다..

- 30체 한정 -
(예약금)오더기간 : 21. 2. 25~21. 3. 12

오더기간이 종료되면 아이리스에게 예약금 전달할것이며 작업 진행 순서에 맞게 샘플작업 들어갈 예정입니다^^

보증금은 어떠한 경우라도 환불되지 않습니다...

오더 종료 후 샘플 완성까지 7개월 걸립니다~~

국내인의 경우 참여의사 댓글을 남기시고 개별적으로
저에게 연락바랍니다.

010-3805-4847로 연락주시면 됩니다(문자만 가능, 전화x)

<Deposit List>
1. Seunghun Lee
2. Runkyou(instagram)
3. WayneCcc
4. WayneCcc
5. Starkindustires
6. jhai1116
7. Kyeong heum yeon
8. jaketan_15
9. bat_ttang(instagram)
10. Milkis_j(instagram)
11. jinirayo(instagram)
12. Elgreco(cancel)
13. dbwldnd93
14. Simon8812(instagram)
15. innos.86(instagram)
16. Mu9887
17. jb_hobby(instagram)
18. ChulChul(instagram)
19. Nuintic(instagram)
21. figure.shot(instagram)
22. louisadam1013
23. Andy hee jun woo(instagram)
24. 12inch_custom_ chen(instagram)
25. kkang
26. ericieong
27. calvenli
28. Myeongjong Lee(instagram)
29. Pain-ad
30. manholi_kb24
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