Full figure 「MarsMuggles x TORIBOX x QZD x NightT47」The Deathly Hallows: Half-Blood Prince & You-Know-Who <Taking Balance & Fullset Pre-order Open>

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I wish I was a big fan of the 2 characters but if you love Snape and Lord, I would jump in as this will probably be one of the rare times Yunsil will take on such an ambitious project without making another new suit.

I just had a chance to see the details in the suits from a friend who is a big fan of both characters and man the work on both suits to capture it correctly in a 1/6 scale has to be darn precise with good precision to have it drape right not to mention all the detail
In the folds in the suits!
These are for sure gonna be epic and I’m especially tempted by Snape. I don’t think I can swing it right now but I’ll be excited to see these develop! Agree with Jonas it’s nice to see Yunsil take on an outfit that isn’t a basic suit
Same. Snape is my favorite HP character next to Sirius, but I just can't swing these since I'm currently a contract worker and taxes being right around the corner are going to eat a good chunk of change I made last year. I've retailored the Star Ace Snape suit as best I think it can be, but it definitely won't hold a candle to what Yunsil will develop. I wish I could just buy the outer jacket and headsculpt but I know these things are usually all or nothing. Regardless, happy to see how it comes out and live vicariously through pics lol

I wish I was a big fan of the 2 characters but if you love Snape and Lord, I would jump in as this will probably be one of the rare times Yunsil will take on such an ambitious project without making another new suit.

I just had a chance to see the details in the suits from a friend who is a big fan of both characters and man the work on both suits to capture it correctly in a 1/6 scale has to be darn precise with good precision to have it drape right not to mention all the detail
In the folds in the suits!

These are for sure gonna be epic and I’m especially tempted by Snape. I don’t think I can swing it right now but I’ll be excited to see these develop! Agree with Jonas it’s nice to see Yunsil take on an outfit that isn’t a basic suit

Yunsil did fantastic job on Jedi robes, wizard outfits are quite similar style. I'm sure she can do it.

The tricky part as Jonas said, is the back of the robes. Wasn't aware of this before I got the quotation
Hopefully this is the reason why the set is so pricy. :(
