Interested in two face sculpt & accessories, for 2 sets each.
in for twoface head and accessories set.
Correction, Interested in two-face sculpt & accessories, for 3 sets each please.
updatedHi NightT47 I sent my deposit for one suit to be weathered by Owen yesterday before the deadline. Please would you check that you received it. I'm also interested in all the accessories and head sculpts
Sorry I mess itone for deposit sent,
and weathered by owen.
interested in Harvey Dent HS, Two Face hs & accessories set.
Dent HS update
View attachment 419734
Chilipep66 took my spot. Please add him in my place. ThanksSelling my spot for an Owen-Weathered suit
updatedChilipep66 took my spot. Please add him in my place. Thanks
There is no bald version for Deat sculpt.looks good. I hope you also provide a bald version. wait for the twoface headsculpt update.