1/6 Clint Eastwood (Blondie) HS

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Freaked Out!
Sep 1, 2011
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Hey guys,

Here's the official interest thread for the Clint HS that I'm working on. Here are the last images (still in 3D) from my 3D printing friend, and that is pretty much exactly what they will look like in terms of detail and finish. I will however be casting them from the 3D print using flesh colored resin:




Should have the first print done by the end of this week! (Still tweaking the head a little, and the hat needs some loving too; particularly the leather trim/band).

I will be making a hatted and unhatted version.
These will go for $ 85 + shipping each, and will be unpainted (due to lack of paint app skill and needed time on my part)

Here's the interest list for the HATTED version so far (Let me know if you would like to be added, or if I forgot to add you). I am shooting for a total of 30:
1. Mephisfilms
2. deadspawn
3. necronomicon
4. Andymp
5. vialli
6. Kolovrat
7. JIM007
8. turbo.vs.ozone
9. Peteskywalker
10. Shortround (pending on final result; but it's nearing final quality)
11. d_jedi1
12. marker2037 (not sure if that was a full interest; awaiting confirmation)
13. retyu123
14. WEST
15. mystolle
16. Raymond Ferraro
17. WolfPredatorAVPR
18. emarae
19. GatackFC (Not sure if it was a full interest; awaiting confirmation)
20. Preshea (pending on final result; but it's nearing final quality)
21. LordAzrael
22. senbi575
23. chillipep66
25. Matthewjc41
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Im looking to make a Blondie custom and came across this, It looks great but I think maybe you can tone down the wrinkles a little bit, also the edges and shape of the jaws and cheeks are too exaggerated, more like a caricature. Clint was much younger then and didnt have as many wrinkles as this sculpt and neither was his cheeks SO sunken in.
The sculpt looks cartoony a lil bit from the side profile... maybe you can fix those? :)
Hi Axecutioner,

Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into his cheeck/jaw structure a little more.

As far as wrinkles go, I don't think he's too wrinkly. At all actually. Here's some reference from TGTBTU:

He looks pretty wrinkly to me :p
Hi Axecutioner,

Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into his cheeck/jaw structure a little more.

As far as wrinkles go, I don't think he's too wrinkly. At all actually. Here's some reference from TGTBTU:

He looks pretty wrinkly to me :p

Hey Ralph! Its great that you are open to making modifications! Thanks! Also what I meant were the lines in his face... as in look at the cheeks there are lines more near the eyes but their are not as deep set or so pronounced and long as your sculpt. Also the nose is too tapering at places.

Honestly I dont think Rainman's attempt at the sculpt is very good. Velvet Morning's attempt (Pettersen) actually is the closest Ive seen, but his sculpt looks a little too old once it gets painted, also really loking forward to Sosa's take (it already looks really promising, maybe you can look up the profile shots from his teaser to get what Im talking about the lines and the nose shape). Clint as Blondie is a very difficult likeness it seems, but Im sure with time itll come :)
Your Man with No Name is looking fantastic. I would be interested, barring the final casting and size.
One thing I would love to see you add attention to is his hat. Since you are still working on that detail. His hat has a distinct crease and point to the front body. There is a definite tear in the front crown and wrinkles and or indentions.
I am really looking forward to the final casting and the 'no hat' version. Keep up the great work!
Hey turbo, I was just looking at that this morning. I should have some updated shots tomorrow!

Initial test (3D) print is on its way to me, that way you guys can also get an idea of how well the (digitally) sculpted detail carries over to the print and ultimately, the mold :)
Hey JIM!

Still tweaking a few things (mostly per the recent feedback) and looking into the logistics of keeping the hat seperate (for paint app purposes).

I should have another very solid update this Sunday! :)
Yes it would :) I'll make a refined interest list. I'll be offering two versions. Neckless version will take a bit longer to create (due to fitting + placement)