1/6 Luke & Leia swing bridge Dio

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No mate, this is just the first batch, I build these individually and will be honest they are taking longer than expected to machine and put together, so to keep things moving and to get them out to our customers as fast as we can me & Pete meet up every couple of Months (as Pete lives in a neighbouring country to me) and hand over any completed builds and talk about future projects.

@ Pete looking good as always buddy :clap


Jas your works look outstanding. Keep doing your best. Best wishes from Spain
More progress this weekend chaps, hoping to start shipping the first 4 in the next few weeks.
3x v2.0s & the first v3.0.

Will be in touch to the first four customers with details of shipping etc.
Thanks for your patients again guys :impatient:

I ran out of masking tape on Friday so went on a bit of a supply run at the weekend and stocked up

I'm using a bit more tape on these as I'm painting the bottom of the step in metallic paint as they can be wall mounted it may be seen under there ( I didn't paint the underside of the prototype)

Got the lenses painted for the control panel lights
And the blue ones

I was going to paint all of them for the total run in one go but in the end just painted enough for this batch as I know I will end up losing them before I need them.
Also I managed to paint 7 blue ones and only realised when I found an unpainted one in my booth this morning lol but it's done now

Everything is all masked up and ready for the different shades of grey to go on so these should all come to life over the next couple of days and I'll update once I'm ready to mask and paint the black area on the floor of the step

Looking good mate.
Will get the improved control panels over to you as soon as I can buddy.
Also the better LED lens material has been delivered this morning, (think they had help from Marty McFly with the delivery, as I only ordered them yesterday) so I'll get these over to you at the same time :yess:
Cheers Jay:)

Hehehe that is some seriously fast shipping, any quicker and it would have arrived before you ordered it
Im sure I already mentioned this but just don't fit the lens behind the panel then I can paint and fit without worrying about trying to mask inside the square cut-outs.

This one isn't quite finished I still want to add a bit more shade to the sides and the greasy marks at the foot of the step still need to be done but I will do that at the end with the other 3 so I can get them looking the same.

As per the prototype the colours do shift depending on lighting but for now I'm just taking the pics in my cave. The control panel is just a place holder as Jay is making me some improved ones so this ones isn't pushed right in or i won't be able to get it out. The new ones will look pretty much the same but they are going to have a much smoother surface so I can get a better metal effect. The red and blue lenses are only just tacked on too so ignore any light leak as it won't be there on the finished ones

I dont know how much longer the pics will continue to show as photobucket wants $$$ to host pics now so I need to find a new hosting site that plays nice with my iPad and Samsung android camera but here they are

You can change the brightness of the lights with the remote and also make them flash, fade and strobe if you want

Very nice indeed Pete, great job buddy :clap:yess:
Just hope no one wants the door part way up with some storm trooper boots behind with remote controlled smoke effect :drool
Very nice indeed Pete, great job buddy :clap:yess:
Just hope no one wants the door part way up with some storm trooper boots behind with remote controlled smoke effect :drool
Funny you should say that Jas, as i was just thinking to myself that this needed a blaster damaged control panel to recreate the lead up to the iconic swing scene. 🤔😀

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Cheers Jay

You have done an excellent job on these mate ( as always ) but I have to say the lighting in these is so much better than the protoype, perfectly even spread and a really nice white light. Having a remote blew my mind lol but it's really cool to be able to switch these on and off from across a room.

"Storm Trooper boots and smoke" do I sense a V 4.0 n the horizon lol

Edit: my masking was fine and no paint bleed buddy :yess:
So ok to fully assemble the next batch
Either way, this looks sensational! How's the V3.0 looking?! ����

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V 3.0 still in primer along with the other 2 V 2.0s as I wanted to get this one done as Jay made some improvents to the build on these compared to the prototype and it altered the way I had to mask so I wanted to make sure that the masking would be OK before I got too far in

The others will all get done at once and I'll post pics as I go along to keep you all in the loop. I won't be able to get to the bench tomorrow but will be back on them on Saturday, they shouldn't take too long now as the steps are painted and masked. The main painting isn't too time consuming to do as I don't have to worry so much about being accurate with the airbrush but masking the floor for the black area and panelling slows things down a little

The lights did take some head scratching to get the right LED strips that best matched the openings also that gave a decent enough light spread.
The internal reflectors look like they helped loads and making each set of lights as a separate "sealed" unit was definitely a right move, considerably more labour intensive but I'm really pleased with the end result.

v4.0 you say :dunno ....another idea to stick on the ever increasing future projects board maybe?
The lights did take some head scratching to get the right LED strips that best matched the openings also that gave a decent enough light spread.
The internal reflectors look like they helped loads and making each set of lights as a separate "sealed" unit was definitely a right move, considerably more labour intensive but I'm really pleased with the end result.
I agree. The lighting looks stunning and will add so much life to the scene.