1/6 Luke & Leia swing bridge Dio

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Found a pic online of a 1/6 and the size is crazy big. Pretty awesome though, getting it to stand on its own without the need for additional support is the head scratcher. Again nothing in the scale model world is impossible.....probably famous last words :lol
Looks like we have enough interested, to make the gantry a goer :yess:
I've already worked the scales out (flipping heck this thing is huge :horror) won't be making a start until the last few Swing Bridge's are complete, sorry chaps.

Looks like we've another super exciting & busy year planned for 2018 Pete my good buddy, so hope your magic spray finger gets plenty of rest over the festive holiday :hi5:

I did plan on getting some more Indy builds completed but I'm enjoying these Star Wars builds so much I may put the Indy stuff on the back burner for now....sorry Indy fans :whip Working full time in Radiology takes up a huge amount of my time only leaving me weekends and holidays to get in the J-cave. Has anyone figured out human cloning yet?

Not going to give away any spoilers at this stage, but the biggy for us in 2018 will definitely be the 1/6 Land Speeder & base which is our next big project after these Swing Bridges are complete. We always have a number of commissions on the go and nothing will change there and will always take on more commissions throughout the year.

I'm also currently acquiring the blueprints for a personal project of a huge 1:24 scale scratchbuilt Millennium Falcon, I saw a Twitter post showing the original studio model and the size was so ridiculously insane I just had to have one........just hope Pete has plenty primer left :wink1::pray: because this thing will be around 1.5m long.
No idea where I'm going to find the time to build this :panic:
I may even put the build step by step on my Twitter feed or YouTube, but we'll see.

Flipping heck this is a long post for me.....best leave it there

Ta ta for now Jas

So does this mean the Landspeeder is also on hold? :(
No, the Speeder is still planned for release mid 2018.
The prototype is currently at 65% built and just needs a few alterations before detailing and then over to Pete's for painting.
We should then be able to get a true idea of costs & timeframes.

No, the Speeder is still planned for release mid 2018.
The prototype is currently at 65% built and just needs a few alterations before detailing and then over to Pete's for painting.
We should then be able to get a true idea of costs & timeframes.


Thanks Jas! :)

No, the Speeder is still planned for release mid 2018.
The prototype is currently at 65% built and just needs a few alterations before detailing and then over to Pete's for painting.
We should then be able to get a true idea of costs & timeframes.


Any chance of getting a few in progress pics of the Landspeeder to whet our appetite???

C'mon Jas, TLJ just released, hype is up, give us some Star Wars love :)
Since the disgraced PhotoBucket held everyone to ransom I lost my entire photo build library including the prototype speeder.
But not to worry, I'll take a few more snaps and start a new thread in the next few days, just hope it doesn't get censored as it could be mistaken as SW porn :monkey5
More grey shades on the doors to it up in tone and add some depth ( left hand one is in base grey and right hand one has lighter added )

Shading going on ( just up to the first panel from the bottom here )

Same for all the others. This isn't the finished look as I will be going back and tweaking things once I've got the darker grey around the doors but they are starting to come to life a bit now guys

I've started on the area around the doors and this will take me a few days but I'll be back with a few progress pics soon.

Great news regarding the Bespin Gantry, Jas!

Pete, excellent work as always!

heck I would just take part of the gantry where luke stood on as hot toys has the other part coming out with there darth vader.

Unfortunately, Hot Toy's gantry is so tiny that it would look ridiculous paired with a scaled Luke section.

We don't need the entire Vader section, as it would be way too big to display properly. Perhaps just a half circle/quarter circle of the part that he is standing on would suffice? I posted previously a pic of the entire section and it is definitely big.
More grey shades on the doors to it up in tone and add some depth ( left hand one is in base grey and right hand one has lighter added )

Shading going on ( just up to the first panel from the bottom here )

Same for all the others. This isn't the finished look as I will be going back and tweaking things once I've got the darker grey around the doors but they are starting to come to life a bit now guys

I've started on the area around the doors and this will take me a few days but I'll be back with a few progress pics soon.


I think I’m just beginning to understand he enormity of these works of art? I sort of lost site of that by looking at photos. In person these must be enormous?

Man, can’t wait to see this in person.
This is roughly what I have in mind

Exactly! The part that Vader stands on doesn't have to be complete, as it is huge. But the extension leading to where Luke crawls out to and eventually drops from has to be perfect. We could cheat a little on size and make it a tiny bit smaller, if it's going to be "too" big to properly display. You're the expert!
This is roughly what I have in mind

Jas. You mentioned that you had to move away from Photobucket to another site. You do know you can insert pics here directly without the use of a third party right ?

If on a pc theres the little picture icon above the text box or if on a mobile device the little mountain icon below the text box.
I think I’m just beginning to understand he enormity of these works of art? I sort of lost site of that by looking at photos. In person these must be enormous?

Man, can’t wait to see this in person.

I've got used to the size of them now but it was pretty shocking when I first had one in hand.

I took a quick snap of my daughter Becca holding one and hopefully this will give an idea of the size

While I'm here I may as well post some pics of the progress

I've got the base down on the outer door area

And the other 6

I haven't done the sides and tops of all of them yet ( will get that done in the morning ) next up I'll put some shade on and start to refine everything to bring it all together.
I'm doing these in a slightly different order to the first ones ( steps will be done last ) I've figured out that I can do it this way and save a bunch of time by not having to do a load of masking. You won't be able to tell the difference once they are finished and I'll post pics of how I do it when I get there


Edit : it doesn't look like I've done anything in those pics above lol.
This one shows the difference in shade between the primer ( at the top ) and base coat
