What an amazing figure! Well worth the wait. Thanks so much to all of the artists involved on this project. The details are insane and craftsmanship is top notch. Best Catwoman ever + fatal adolescent crush in 1/6 grail form beyond achieved. :duff
On the one hand I still regret having passed on this one. It's a masterpiece!
On the other hand I am totally relieved to not have to go through all the hassle. The lack of communication must be a torture for everyone still waiting. Hang in there guys all the artists involved are honest guys. I am sure they will come through with everyone's order.
Anybody else got their figure? I haven't got a notification yet.
Anybody else got their figure? I haven't got a notification yet.
So what's the deal here, some allready got there figures weeks ago and some are still waiting. I tried to mail Frank Jaeger but it couldn't get send cause his inbox is apparently too full. I still have to pay the last bit but feel uncomfortable putting more money into this when I don't even know what happened with the previous 470,- ... Maybe at some point I need to file a complaint if that's what it takes, don't like too though.
Reach out to Sean Dabbs on Facebook. Didn't have any luck with SSF messages, but got an almost instant response on FB. There was a mix-up with shipping mine out, but he took care of it and I now have it a week and a half later. Won't go so far as to say it was worth the wait and uncertainty. Still too fresh. But it is a stunning custom. Good luck!
So what's the deal here, some allready got there figures weeks ago and some are still waiting. I tried to mail Frank Jaeger but it couldn't get send cause his inbox is apparently too full. I still have to pay the last bit but feel uncomfortable putting more money into this when I don't even know what happened with the previous 470,- ... Maybe at some point I need to file a complaint if that's what it takes, don't like too though.
To me Facebook is one of the worst forms to search for work. Sad to see the obvious negativity and such drive the customizes off of here.
I for one have no desire to use Facebook because I find it incredibly difficult to find communities or pages and to use them and I spend a lot of money on customs. It’s a shame that customizers are cutting off their market on this forum. But I totally understand anyone who wouldn’t want to deal with constant complaints.
It’s not really that bad if your following someone when they post you see it in your feed. I for one have more business since leaving freaks. Less evil people on Facebook and less trolls. You have to be willing to put up with a lot of crap to stay on freaks that’s why half the creative force left freaks.
That and freaks forum got nit picky about stuff.
It’s not as much complaints as vindictiveness, catty behavior like a bunch of housewives pick a city. And then their followers join in and it’s a crap storm of negativity. This place needs a cleansing by a rabbi,priest,voodoo doctor,shaman and Buddhist
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