this sculpt looks amazing. you do fantastic work.
the pipe....the forearms....and the shoes...he really doesn't have too much...JEESH....i need a couple of things...
Can't wait to have that on my desk!
crap!!!! wait list me please... are you going to be offering kit parts?? Maybe just the head??
please advise...
the one spinach can that is open would be crumpled up in the middle signifying that popeye just crushed it to open it from the top...
what do you think Mike?
still waiting on those painted Grinch pieces so had some time to work on Popeye. still rough but on track. should have time tomorrow to rough in the arms and shoes. hope you guys like him.
This is gonna be a sick piece. Looks great so far Mike and I'm really digging your character choices. This is exactly the kind of stuff that we need :yess:
Great start to the outfit Toria! :hi5: