1/6 Wampa- WIP (Wampa in Progress)- Figures in Progess!

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Re: Interest: 1/6 Wampa Project- Body & Fur Suit Update!

I may add a bit more bulk to the chest area... but the arms seem pretty big as-is, but I'm open to feedback on shift the proportions.

As for the additional body parts (I think that's what you mean by armature) they will be sculpted to plug onto the body using the existing joints. This is a really great body for the project so once it's all assembled the feet, hands and head should just pop on and work like a standard figure. The parts will be cast in resin.
Re: Interest: 1/6 Wampa Project- Body & Fur Suit Update!

Yeah he is too lean. He looks like a hairy body builder right now. Give him a fat suit. The shoulders need beefing up too. Wampas have huge arms and hands and thus need huge shoulders. Also they have a bit of a hunch back too don't they?
Re: Interest: 1/6 Wampa Project- Body & Fur Suit Update!

Damn fine work gb.......:hi5:
As far as the bulk sure you could add more but honestly I'm so glad that the prop that was made didn't make it to screen, it was ridiculously oversized and never would have looked "real"......lol
I think somewhere in between the prop proportions and what you have now could make for one bad ass wampa.
Re: Interest: 1/6 Wampa Project- Body & Fur Suit Update!

Looking great man!
Great progress so far dude!

Thanks guys!

Yeah he is too lean. He looks like a hairy body builder right now. Give him a fat suit. The shoulders need beefing up too. Wampas have huge arms and hands and thus need huge shoulders. Also they have a bit of a hunch back too don't they?

I'm not sure about the hunch back... but I intend for the head to sit low and you can always pose him hunched over.

I like the idea of either a fat suit, or padding out the body more. I'll try a few things and see what looks good.
Re: Interest: 1/6 Wampa Project- Body & Fur Suit Update!

How does the suit go on the figure? Because if it has a zip up or fastener in the back that would make it easy for each person to add more or less padding depending on their desired look.
Re: Interest: 1/6 Wampa Project- Body & Fur Suit Update!

How does the suit go on the figure? Because if it has a zip up or fastener in the back that would make it easy for each person to add more or less padding depending on their desired look.

I haven't figured that out for sure yet... I don't like the idea of a zipper since I think it could leave a funny looking seam up the back. I think what would probably look the best is just to simply sew the back together once the body is in place. This could of course be undone and you could further modify the body, but it might not be very convenient.

These would also each be done individually... so you could always make some a bit thicker than the others.

A fat suit is one option... but a simpler one is just to pad out the body and then wrap it with medical adhesive.

Damn fine work gb.......:hi5:
As far as the bulk sure you could add more but honestly I'm so glad that the prop that was made didn't make it to screen, it was ridiculously oversized and never would have looked "real"......lol
I think somewhere in between the prop proportions and what you have now could make for one bad ass wampa.

I agree... finding the middle ground is what I'm shooting for.
Re: Interest: 1/6 Wampa Project- Body & Fur Suit Update!

Adhesive breaks down over time and it's especially true for one that isn't designed to be permanent.

For suit closure, I'd suggest super low-profile velcro and then futz to hide the seam when closed.
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Re: Interest: 1/6 Wampa Project- Body & Fur Suit Update!

Well the closure wouldn't be an adhesive; but that's a good point about using it to hold padding.

I'll look into the Velcro :duff
Re: Interest: 1/6 Wampa Project- Body & Fur Suit Update!

Yeah, that was actually two different topics in my reply. :) Separated onto two lines to keep it clear.
Re: Interest: 1/6 Wampa Project- Body & Fur Suit Update!

So I made a quick fat suit... basically just filling out the chest and stomach area which I think gives him Wampaish build. The arms are pretty thick as it is, but I can certainly add a bit to the biceps and forearms. The only concern there is I can't upsize too much as it would mess up the points of articulation.


Re: Interest: 1/6 Wampa Project- Body & Fur Suit Update!

That's looking a lot better although I still think the shoulders need to be larger

I just though of something...it might be a good idea to wait until you have the feet and hands before adding padding to the arms/legs. Both are going to be huge so you'll most likely have to add some padding to make things look proportionate. How much is the question, but this is already looking much better.
Re: Interest: 1/6 Wampa Project- Body & Fur Suit Update!

That's kind of my thinking as well... the hands will add a lot of size to the bottoms so it will be a matter of balancing that out. Same with the feet.

And I can certainly bulk up the shoulders a bit too, but again until we have a head in place it's a bit of guess work how the final product will look.
Re: Interest: 1/6 Wampa Project- Body & Fur Suit Update!

Looks like the upper arms should be extended to better balance the way the entire arm looks. But very great start.
Re: Interest: 1/6 Wampa Project- Body & Fur Suit Update!

I might end up shortening the forearms a smidge as well... again, until the hands are in it's hard to know exactly how low they'll go. But in a few of the images it looks like the hands hang at or below the knees... so they're quite long.

Here's a quick idea of what I want the final head to look like on here... not 100% sure on the final size, but I think this gets at the idea and also shows a bit of what the fur should look like when it's been weathered and dirtied up a bit.
