Bruce Willis Interest thread

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He's busy working on finishing the 5 different sculpts he showed off and several others talked about!! Busy working, I think next we hear from him we'll see some finished sculpts.

I imagine it's that too, I'm crazy now waiting :cuckoo: :impatient:
looks like i will be buying a WHOLE bunch of your HeadSculpts....:)

when is NEO coming?
Neo is coming, just found the old portrait... seriously I think I have a few dozen actors laying around in boxes, or in drawers amongst many other past projects....but anyway I found him, and need to clean him up.
Erick disappeared from the forum
Lol, no, I keep coming in every other day. I am doing spring cleaning in my studio, and finishing the girl with the huge mechanical arm :) because the company I am producing it with wants to see it done so they can show her at Comic Con.
I am working on the Jorker no worries ;)
Neo is coming, just found the old portrait... seriously I think I have a few dozen actors laying around in boxes, or in drawers amongst many other past projects....but anyway I found him, and need to clean him up.

Sweetness! If you other work is any indication, I'm fairly certain I'll be using your sculpt for my bash :duff
I imagine it's that too, I'm crazy now waiting :cuckoo: :impatient:

I am sorry Silvio, but no worries, actually I am just finishing the basic ford for Ledger! stay tuned.. and please remember I am doing this as a side thing. I work full time a as freelancer, but I assure you you will see a lot of cool stuff in the next few weeks!
Is the Neo going to be the same as your previous sculpt mate or are you going to update it? Your old one is still great but i'd love to see what you can do now!
Your "older" Bruce Willis head sculpt looks great Erick! I'm interested in one too for a custom Die Hard 4 figure down the road that I want to make.
lol, no, i keep coming in every other day. I am doing spring cleaning in my studio, and finishing the girl with the huge mechanical arm :) because the company i am producing it with wants to see it done so they can show her at comic con.
I am working on the jorker no worries ;)

thats great man
so until now
i need
blondie, neo and john mclane from either first 3 films
Seems we're there! We have 27 who want this one, plus the 5 people who signed on at OSW, who add 6 more heads.

Those who'd like to get a Die Hard v1 or 2 or 3 weren't counted toward the 30 orders that get this rolling.

Current TEARS version committed list:

1. menlojames
2. toyadventurer
3. JeffTVR
4. Deckard
5. neo
6. Itchybitz
7. MisterToyNYC
9. Full Art Chemist
10. angeldiaz
11. Leo Morgan
12. rishi
13. CREG customs
14. Platty
15. wofford29 (this works for "Unbreakable," right?)
16. zombierider
17. carbo-fation
18. Gruff Old Bear
19. small_studios
20. AndyMP
21. nitro80
22. remy (*but only w/o stubble)
23. melanarus
24. mimiz
25. Kuato
26. Thrustmaster
27. hotslayer73

+ the OSW list, which includes SSF members:

1. Spartan Rex
2. thainer
3. denzylkoh (2)
4. Crusader1xxx
5. voodoo
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