Custom Kit Bash Bruce Wayne pictures!

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anyone else got bruce in a tux?

wish i could afford the leslie cheung one, but this will do!

: D
How good is the Brother Production gray suit exactly? I am interested in buying one for my Harvey Dent and one for my Bruce Wayne since I am reading alot of good stuff about it here, but there aren't exactly many pictures floating around.. I also feel like, at least on the stock pictures, the Toys City suits look ALOT better :/
How good is the Brother Production gray suit exactly? I am interested in buying one for my Harvey Dent and one for my Bruce Wayne since I am reading alot of good stuff about it here, but there aren't exactly many pictures floating around.. I also feel like, at least on the stock pictures, the Toys City suits look ALOT better :/

Sorry for the crappy pic, but here's a pic of my Harvey wearing that suit on the right.

Did anyone use the pop toys gray suit yet? For ANY figure? I may buy it but I haven't seen any pictures except the promo shots yet..
Apologies again for the pics. The focus on my lens is broken.

I finally have all my Bruce Wayne parts. I was going to go for the Asmus suit a lot of people liked but the photo lighting on the reference pic was actually a bit off and the suit he wore wasn't actually dark navy but dark grey, and the tie dark pink and not purple (looked that way due to the light reflection and low lighting), and so I decided to go with the Brothers Production suit from TDKR. I promise I will post better pics once I can. For now, I wanted to ask your opinions. Do you think he looks better with the vest on or does it look thick with the extra layer and thus better without a vest?


Honestly, I have yet to see a Bruce Wayne bash where I liked the three piece suit. For some reason, they never seem to lay right or hang down enough - which ruins the illusion.
Sorry for the dumb question, I'm new here.
I couldn't find an tutorial for this, but, how can I put bruce wayne's head on a TTM21?

I only need to change that black neck adapter to a regular one, like this?
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