Custom Kit Bash Bruce Wayne pictures!

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Just suited up my Wanye! Didn't realise this custom thread was here, I posted in the regular DX12 thread too! :slap

So got home from work to find my asmus suit sitting by the door :yess:. Suited him up and put him in the detolf to await his armory.

Asmus suit fits great, the only downside is the jacket has sort of an overcoat like feel like a waterproof coat would. Nothing major though. The tie came with a HUGE knot lol, so it took me a while to sort it out now i've got it down to a size im happy with.
I may steam the pants a little to give them a less stiff fit, we'll see.

So got home from work to find my asmus suit sitting by the door :yess:. Suited him up and put him in the detolf to await his armory.

Asmus suit fits great, the only downside is the jacket has sort of an overcoat like feel like a waterproof coat would. Nothing major though. The tie came with a HUGE knot lol, so it took me a while to sort it out now i've got it down to a size im happy with.
I may steam the pants a little to give them a less stiff fit, we'll see.


Same body and suit I've used, my suit came today too!

I know what you mean about waterproof coat feel, but it's still cool!

Received my ASMUS suit today.

Quick impressions.

Suit coat and pants feel like a track suit and are made of that type of material.
Shirt is very nice.
Tie is a :gah: to futz and get to lay flat.
Shoes are so so. I plan on replacing them.
Overall - I like it! Pick it up. It's cheap and gets the job done. Not an expensive bash and for $35 you can't beat it.

Need opinions; Which looks better?

Knock-off Narrow shoulder


or the TTM21

Received my ASMUS suit today.

Quick impressions.

Suit coat and pants feel like a track suit and are made of that type of material.
Shirt is very nice.
Tie is a :gah: to futz and get to lay flat.
Shoes are so so. I plan on replacing them.
Overall - I like it! Pick it up. It's cheap and gets the job done. Not an expensive bash and for $35 you can't beat it.

Need opinions; Which looks better?

Knock-off Narrow shoulder or the TTM21

TTM21 for me. He seems to fill the suit out a bit more. I like the suit and i know what you mean about the feel but at the end of the day like you say for $35 its worth it. I wouldn't ever shell out for a kato suit though, silly prices so this will do for me.

Mine came with dirty marks on the front of the shirt where the metal snaps are, they are like circles on the front. The tie covers it but think over the weekend im going to give it a wipe down see if they come off. Shame his pocket is so small aswell, only way to get it look like his hand is in his pocket is just put the peg in but it looks weird to me that way.
Received my ASMUS suit today.

Quick impressions.

Suit coat and pants feel like a track suit and are made of that type of material.
Shirt is very nice.
Tie is a :gah: to futz and get to lay flat.
Shoes are so so. I plan on replacing them.
Overall - I like it! Pick it up. It's cheap and gets the job done. Not an expensive bash and for $35 you can't beat it.

Need opinions; Which looks better?

Knock-off Narrow shoulder


or the TTM21


TTM21 looks better, but I'm biased. I've got the asmus suit coming, and bought a TTM21 to go with it. Just seems to fit the suit better from all the pics I've seen.
Received my ASMUS suit today.

Quick impressions.

Suit coat and pants feel like a track suit and are made of that type of material.
Shirt is very nice.
Tie is a :gah: to futz and get to lay flat.
Shoes are so so. I plan on replacing them.
Overall - I like it! Pick it up. It's cheap and gets the job done. Not an expensive bash and for $35 you can't beat it.

Need opinions; Which looks better?

Knock-off Narrow shoulder


or the TTM21


Thats the way to go it seems, asmus suit, ttm21 FTW. Btw thats the best looking stand I have seen for a wayne custom:hi5:
Thats the way to go it seems, asmus suit, ttm21 FTW. Btw thats the best looking stand I have seen for a wayne custom:hi5:

Thanks my man! :1-1:

I have to agree that the TTM21 does fill out the suit better like Stealth said. Definitely pick it up; it's worth the $35 I shelled out for it. :yess: