Interesting turn of events! payment sent for one painted set.
Thank you for purchase my Daft Punk work.
I updated the list and send message to you.
Interesting turn of events! payment sent for one painted set.
Interested in Painted Set.Please put me on list!
I'm interested in an unpainted set please.
Hi Nomake,
Thanks for making this happen again, please put me up for a set of painted helmets. Cheers!
Payment has been made to you as well.
Payment for unpainted set has just been sent. Many thanks![]()
Payment sent for unpainted sets Nomake, this is the Paypal transaction ID 1D535681SG4814010 , please confirm![]()
When do we start talking about suits and body options? or should that happen in another thread?
Payment sent!
Body options, i think you mean LED module and shoes.
I will not sell LED module and shoes separately.
I just wonder how many collectors want the black suits.
No I am assuming you are not selling suits. My question was directed more at people buying the heads, i.e. what are these people planning to get for a body (TT? etc) and what suit.
Just out of curiosity when will these start to be dispatched?
Wait...are you selling LED units for the heads you are currently selling?