Fight Club Tyler Durden [Unofficial]

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I decided to keep this sculpt i got a few years ago, he may need some repaint but he is better than i seen in awhile. someone was selling them from singapore its from the natorious ******* series. I thought i might pick up a smile sculpt but im not paying almost 200.00 to get it fixed up.

Mine is still pritty decent just needs a paintjob on hair. and around eyes. I did make suit but changes out body and suit doesnt fit so im remaking. here is pic of him.

To apologise, please take a peep at his brand new style photo, hope you will like it!!

If you ever make a bald version or make one with non spiky hair pm me. you have a great face sculpt and can be used for various movies like mr. and mrs smith but you need to 86 the hair or make a bald sculpt with molds of hair than can be baught seperatly and glued in place.

you would get more bang from your buck. I was hoping to make a mr. and mrs smith set and im sure others would to. your head could make several uses. Again just an idea not to sell yourself short on one movie. when if you did a smile sculpt, smirk sculpt and no smile versian all bald with hair options to buy you could make serious cash.
Im really good at doing research and i also know alittle bit about movie fans and fight club is a small market. I can send you pics of his hair styles during movies he did really well for and anyone would be hard pressed not to buy the sculpts from you.
this is his new look from cogans trade another good look and easy change.
This style he has had off and on for years with either gotee, shaved,to beard any one with modeling paste can do that but hair options make better sence

and this is his latest look since the duche chanel ad.

looks similar to the cannes one i posted as interest but with longer hair.

it does say "dream works production" thing is i never see much production, just their own stuff showing off..:dunno

I sincerely apologize to you, because I want to be the best,

Remember this image...?!


Hope u like it!!
I decided to keep this sculpt i got a few years ago, he may need some repaint but he is better than i seen in awhile. someone was selling them from singapore its from the natorious ******* series. I thought i might pick up a smile sculpt but im not paying almost 200.00 to get it fixed up.

Mine is still pritty decent just needs a paintjob on hair. and around eyes. I did make suit but changes out body and suit doesnt fit so im remaking. here is pic of him.


sorry man but this is good for mills seven not for fc tyler ;)
this is my custom detective mills (as you see I have used the same head modded and repainted)



I know is not he same head quality of iminime but I am fine with this .. I see the mills iminime in hands and I love the head but the dress is more accurate on mine...
for the iminime seven set I like only the mills's head but is too tiny in my opinion...
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Im using mine for the premier at cannes film festival of 2009 for fashion reasons so I dont need the injuries but good bash man.
But seriously I really think for dream works it would be a good idea to make 4 different heads for pitt that will make you the go to place for your fav movie looks/ premier looks/anything really even making a spoof of the duchie chanel #5 commercial
because the facial sculpt is awsome but hair and beard people like diversity. because when you pigeon hole and limit something by one look that lowers the amt of sales. It's just good business to make variety.
Im using mine for the premier at cannes film festival of 2009 for fashion reasons so I dont need the injuries but good bash man.

Dude I think your the only one whose going to use this for a "premier at Cannes film festival of 2009" bash. I'm not judging, I'm just saying.
Im not a dude but its cool. And That's not the only outfit im making I was only suggesting to dreamworks that since they actually nailed his looks to the letter that it makes sence to do more to reach a broader audience. fightclub is kinda narrow and it's like cutting off the hand that feeds you. Their are several pitt sculpts some are close close but this is the 1st on the mark. Pitt had 5 distinct looks. This was a character that pitt did not carry on past movie unlike his other looks that he kept after the movie.
I guess marketing idea to make this sculpt have versatle uses must not be reaching eaveryones attention.
see the guy who had the detective with scar thats the same caster who did mine i just happen to have the non scar version because I wanted more uses out of my sculpt.