Clothing set [FINAL BALANCE DUE August 23rd] [SPOT AVAILABLE ] IRIS - TDK Bruce Wayne [LIMITED 20]

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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ben affleck batman GIF
Today I sent Iris the balances of everyone who has paid.

The mass production is officially scheduled.
8 months is the estimate Iris previously provided for run completion

We have a few people on the list who are either late or not paying their balances.
If they send payments soon, I will forward those to Iris.
If someone has money ready and wants to take over one of those spots, I will forward your payment to Iris

This run will be Limited to 20

Thank you everyone 🙏🏻

Looking forward to updates in the coming months !
It’s looking like the current list will be the final list.

I will give 1 more week until completely closing the list.

If you’ve not paid the balance, you have one last opportunity.
or if someone has money ready and wants to take over one of the last 2 spots, I will add you and forward your payment to Iris

After next weekend, no more.
Thanks everyone
Final FULL PAID List :
1. HideYu (ig) - FULL PAID
2. gcard76 - FULL PAID
3. BigWayne - FULL PAID
4. rlaehddlf0225 (ig) - FULL PAID
5. moon._.d.u.09 (ig) - FULL PAID
6. nateeepettengill (ig) - FULL PAID
7. axess5252 (ig) - FULL PAID
8. ti.collection (ig) - FULL PAID
9. veryon_d.p (ig) - FULL PAID
10. art keizu (ig) - FULL PAID
11. ggarong_dj (ig) - FULL PAID
12. Nick D - FULL PAID
13. im_aldo_raine (ig) FULL PAID
14. Bao_figure_photography (ig) FULL PAID
15. ohohohyaya1 (ig) Deposit FULL PAID
16. SeeArt - FULL PAID
17. Azukis_toy - FULL PAID