Those clothes are looking really great! Can't wait to get this guy!
Looks good but is the pocket placement correct? I thought the pockets were hip pockets not front facing and I thought the chest pocket on the screen used costume was lower. Also, should the orange pants cuff detail be larger? Again, looking nice though those aspects look off to me.
Hello! Full payment sent for unpainted head with sculpted hair [please note that I am not on the interest list]. Thanks!
Just sent deposit for the full set. I'm still confused on what all is owed, but I would be interested in the full set. Painted Head with hair added, suit, and all accessories. Thanks, looks good so far!
Deposit sent for full figure.
To clear up some confusion about the head prices:
Unpainted Head Sculpt Options
$65 = Unpainted Bald head
$75 = Unpainted sculpted hair head
$95 = Unpainted bald head & wig
Painted Head Sculpt Options (painting price is £55)
$145 = Painted bald head
$155 = Painted sculpted hair head
$185 = Painted bald head & wig
$195 = Painted bald head & rooted hair
so sorry man, Frank just posted up a clearer explanation for the head and hair. For the deposit you just paid you are paying for all SCULPTED parts, costume will be paid seperate, as will painting
got you down
thanks Frank!
So when and where do we pay for painting and the suit? Sorry if I'm just not getting it.
Clothes are still being worked on. They'll let us know when deposits will be opened up for them.
You're putting a deposit on the sculpted parts. When the sculpts are done you'll pay the rest for whatever you specified that you wanted. That's when it'll be painted.
I think I will employ you as my translator from now on![]()
Is there any chance at all that we can see a finished/ painted version of each head (sculpted, with wig, rooted) before we commit to which we want. I'm 99% certain I'll want the wig or rooted but would love the option to see the pictures before I say 1 way or another.
that is absolutley fine my friend, you can add the additional cash if needed later on, its just the deposit we need at this stage to ensure your place