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Deposit Paid: Unpainted with Hair

no problem broHi Waruna, you are making our dream come true!
Quick question: Can I change my order from unpainted to painted? (Name: Hyun Joon Yoon)
Neck will be offerd on demand. I like to have the neck in my sculpts prtotyps as with the neck. Reason why im doing it like thisDoes this end up with a neck?
Yes, I plan on using this for my ANH Han body so matching paint for that would be appreciated! @Waruna WeligamageLooks incredible @Waruna WeligamageMay actually have to jump on this. Do we know which Han Solo body this will be color matched to? The ANH Ford body is more tan/darker than the Solo Alden Ehrenreich body. So if it's the ANH body, I'll be down for a painted and haired version
Would also like this as wellYes, I plan on using this for my ANH Han body so matching paint for that would be appreciated! @Waruna Weligamage
man… THIS is the kind of integrity that is to be admired!! a true artist, not just an income generator. EXCELLENT spot on the cheeks! excellent commitment to making the BEST HAN OUT THERE!!! and conversely… what may well be the best Indy too!! i admire the heck outta you!! bravo!!Hey guys, My personal opinion on this is that for getting a definitive version of a Han for your figures head sculpt has to be painted according to the actual character likeness. Im continuously looking at what I did and the latest color I did I tried matching the Jx body. For me It is not right for Mr. Ford skin tone. So I think genuinely what needs to be done do the head right way and match the bodies to that. I know its an extra cost for you guys but I think itll give you the right character representation.
Secondly as many requests on this ANH version of the body I will figure out a way to have it in hand or if any one of you willing to send one It would be really appriciated. No need to pay for shipping I can cover everything from my end Ill make sure to use it carfully and send back as it is. Or any one selling Id like to buy one.
Thirdly, I have recieved a good feedback on this sculpt yet looking at it more and more points out some areas for improving. ANH hun for me is quite puff in the cheeks nd while trying to achive I have lost some of other forms of his cheeks making it looks fat from the cheeks to the jaw. Im gonna keep this version file save and doing a small touch ups on those without harming to expression or any proportions.
Ill share updates,
Let me know any one who can make the body issue sorted as mentioned above.
Bonsoir, des versions avec sourire y en a déjà de Han Solo c'est pour ça qu'une version sérieuse c'est cool ça change je trouve et pour la version haired il veut dire avec les cheveux sculptéCela s'annonce très bien.
Dans les colonnes de votre liste de dépôt, vous avez Haired, Chauve, Painted et Unpainted ? Est-ce que "Haired" est une "vraie chevelure" ou est-ce la chevelure sculptée ? Ce que je recherche, ce sont deux têtes peintes, une chauve, une chevelure sculptée, mais si vous proposez une tête avec de «vrais cheveux», je pourrais probablement sauter l'étape intermédiaire consistant à commander une tête «chauve».
De plus, puisqu'il semble que vous reviendrez à la 3D de base pour supprimer le cou et améliorer la ressemblance ... Je vais tirer ma photo ici ... mais avez-vous envisagé d'ajouter un «sourire» ou certains autre type d'attitude/comportement ? Je pense que cela peut être un élément manquant de la "ressemblance", qui, je crois, est composée de traits de visage et d'attitude . Ce genre de chose peut donner vie à une sculpture.
I'm not the biggest fan of a smirk only cause there are already 2 exceptional sculpts both with smirks (inigo v3, modded mjc) so a straight or serious would be nice to differentiate from other sculpts. As for the list meanings haired means sculpted hair and bald is for if you want to send the sculpt to a rooter for real hair. I don't believe waruna roots.This is looking very good.
In the columns of your deposit list, you have Haired, Bald, Painted, and Unpainted? Is 'Haired' a 'real hair' head, or is it the sculpted hair head? What I'm after is two painted heads, one bald, one sculpted hair, but if you're offering a 'real hair' head, I could probably skip the intermediate step of ordering a 'Bald' head.
Also, since it sounds like you will be going back to the base 3D to remove the neck, and improve the likeness ... I'm going to shoot my shot here ... but have you considered adding a 'smirk' or some other type of attitude/demeanor? I think that may be a missing element of the 'likeness', which I believe is composed of facial features and attitude. That sort of thing can breathe life into a sculpt.
I'm not the biggest fan of a smirk only cause there are already 2 exceptional sculpts both with smirks (inigo v3, modded mjc)