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I think the bottom one is a Nathan Drake body with Tony Stark arms (seem to remember Raymond saying he had bashed th etwo together)

The first body is a great size just a shame about the skin tone.

Here's mine

Headsculpt censored for political reasons.

What body is that?
Anyone tried a full Crazy Durable body?


McClane looks awesome buddy thanks for the info :)
Thanks man, and anytime :hi5:

How do you have the head attached? I've had so much trouble getting this head and that body to stay together convincingly that I'm about to sell Wolverine and look for something else.

The neck is thick enough I can just push the head sculpt on and it's a pretty tight fit. No neck peg needed :wink1:

I think that's just photoshop.

It is indeed a quick photoshop. Learning something new everyday! :wave