Invoice payment sent, please confirm received. Happy New Year!!
That looks very well proportioned to me. But didn't Marf say he was revisiting the sculpt again? This looks great as is. I'm still on the fence about placing an order though because of the cost but it is one fantastic piece!
Yes! Payment sent and confirmed!
This is the figure I most looking for in 2015!!! Can´t wait till April!!!!!
Great news, Marf!I should have a picture of the slightly reduced sculpt for you guys soon, with updated clothing pics shortly after that. :duff
I should have a picture of the slightly reduced sculpt for you guys soon, with updated clothing pics shortly after that. :duff
Great! I was thinking on going ahead and ordering already the body, so that I can start working on the tattoos and battle damage. Marf, could you confirm if this is finally the best choice size and tone wise?
Worldbox 1/6 Muscular Nude action figure Body VT-002 - KGHobby Toys and Models Store