The show isn't about star power :dunno
Which make no mistake is totally fine... But star power or not at least have a clear main protagonist so the whole thing is not such a bloody unfocused mess.
So much crap could be cut out if this to focus in the storylines, Stannis, the guy who betrayed and took over Winterfeld whatever his name is , pretty much all of John Snow and the crows, that bald guy from kings landing and the old lady, I know he's a Stark but the crippled kid and his posse etc etc. any time screen time is used in those storylines it just takes away from everything else.
Because even without all that crap you still have to follow Rob and Lady Stark, Sansa, Daenarys, Geoffrey his mom and his queen etc., Little Finger, the younger stark girl, Jamie, Tyrion, the old Lannister father guy and probably a few I forgot about. That alone is too much already. That plus the confusing storylines, the fact that they cast guys that look to similar to each other and you forget who the hell they are. This usually makes me find myself daydreaming or playing around in my iPad when I watch the show and it takes me twice as long to get the stamina to watch one episode.
Im sure the books were like this but I don't care.
Anyways not to crap all over it, I do enjoy the show and do want a figure or two from it.
In my opinion Tyrion is really the only thing that would feel really special though.