Why you hatin' bro?!
The nature of the 1/6th business is that you have to start projects way in advance. The interest threads are a great way for Denny to see if any given figure or figures would sell PRIOR to going through all of the necessary pre-production/production. Heads must be sculpted, cast, painted. Outfits designed and executed. Accessories made and recast and painted. It's a lot of work. Without announcing interest threads all the work would be a shot in the dark.
Secondarily, Iminime DOES finish their projects. THey are NOT HOT TOYS. The Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) figure has been in development from interest list to prototype to now just announced pre-order... it will see production. Just as all of Iminime's announcement have. So relax.
Lastly, these projects will take quite a bit of time to see the light. And NO BUSINESS puts all of their eggs in one basket. It would be dumb of denny to not pursue other projects whilst completing current ones.
Currently iminime has the following in various stages of development (that I know of)
Cowboy(with Trevor Grove)
Walking Dead Rick, Darryl, Zombie
Jon Doe
ANother Trevor Grove project as yet unannounced.
Memento (With Trevor Grove)
Die Hard
I'm game....anyway we can get Trevor involved on this?
Far from hating, just see a whole lotta food on the plate, btw add the bride, training day denzel, and chaplin too...
I'll take all three. Casual. Thanks.
Wake all three dude!! With casual clothing.
If we wait for Trevor these might not be released until 2015. Trevor has a lot on his plate at the moment.
Chaplin is an official release, I was unaware of Training Day having gone greenlight.
I don't think Training Day has been greenlit, if I remember correctly somebody mentioned it to Denny and he said they might but at the moment the are busy with other projects.
Far from hating, just see a whole lotta food on the plate, btw add the bride, training day denzel, and chaplin too...
Mama Mia!!! Another set of grails, another Iminime thread SUSCRIBEDanic:
All three casual sir :rock.
Denny, please understand the importance of these chaeacters and this movie. These guys are just as important as Bateman to make perfect!!
It's just starting to set in how sick this news is!!!!
That really shouldn't be a problem :wink1:
Id be interested in a Henry.
By that you mean once the prototype has been finalized? I paid for Space Trucker several months ago (October maybe?) and still nada. If I had one issue with Iminime's model, it's the time between payment and receiving the item (and I know Space Trucker has specific issues that delayed it more than others, but most of their releases seem to be following a similar path). First, it technically violates forum rules, but putting that aside (since Dave doesn't seem to mind) I just don't like putting money into something that takes more than a month and a half or so to get to me. I believe Iminime is going to make do on the figures I paid for months ago, but I still don't feel comfortable with it, having lost money in the past putting money into something that was never delivered. Essentially, we are paying Iminime to develop more figures before they have delivered older ones, and we have to pay on the front end for materials and production instead of paying when the items are ready to go. I get Wake's argument that this is the best way for a 1/6 company to get a business running. But most businesses don't run that way. They have to put the money upfront themselves as an investment, and hope it pays dividends down the road.They don't ask for money till the end