Could it be print in flash color risine please?
In Raiders, his stubble is a lot thicker than 5 o'clock shadow man. the painted render being in color also makes it look thicker than it will be once printed and castI can appreciate the look you are trying to achieve with the sculpted beard, but I have to say that it looks too heavy. Indy has stubble, a heavy 5 o'clock shadow, the sculpted beard looks much thicker than that.
In Raiders, his stubble is a lot thicker than 5 o'clock shadow man. the painted render being in color also makes it look thicker than it will be once printed and cast
Once actually printed, the beard can be painted to look like it has thicker or thinner stubble.It is thickest in the mustache area, but in the chin and cheeks you can clearly see skin under the hair. This this picture, the beard is too thick at the chin and the jawline.
Yes-that's we need.Inigo can you post a picture of the sculpt not painted up yet just a grey render so we can see thickness of stubble without judgments being thrown off by the digital paint.
Glad to see so much interest for this but yes, like you said no need to post interest when the time comes just pay and you'll get a cast. Thanks everyoneRob said no need to show interest anymore, when ordering is ready just pay.
Inigo can you post a picture of the sculpt not painted up yet just a grey render so we can see thickness of stubble without judgments being thrown off by the digital paint.