Interest - Cult King Vincent 2.1 and new Jules sculpt with Sinag paintjob

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View attachment 421738
A furious anger sculpt would be sick
Yes it will. ;)

Definitely interested. Will you be hairing the Vincent sculpt?
Sorry, buddy, but probably not because this will drive the price too much up.

Interested at Jules headsculpt, Mina did a great job at Vincent 2.0, will she be consider to do Jules ?
I really hope so but she just finished a Jules and it wasnt cheap.
I'll ask Denny about this.

Our goal is to have a Jules that will match the quality of the Vincent 2.1 and I will guarantee you guys that this will be the case whoever the sculptor is.
That was a private run with small quantity, I recon Iminime will do a larger run, which will share the sculpture fee