Super Freak
It seems everyone is desperate to get one of these. Hopefully Jnix will relent and do another run.
Haha thanks!Best fwends! Love it!
It seems everyone is desperate to get one of these. Hopefully Jnix will relent and do another run.
I kinda feel bad for Jnix.
Not that I don't want everyone who wants one to have one, just that, it's a ton of work he's doing and with a community as "passionate" as ours, it can get pretty exhausting to see all the photoshop manipulations, all the constant PMs to hopefully get him to make just one more or a whole new run. I would just worry Jnix is going to get burned out that's all...then we will drive away another great artist.
Haha thanks!
I kinda feel bad for Jnix.
Not that I don't want everyone who wants one to have one, just that, it's a ton of work he's doing and with a community as "passionate" as ours, it can get pretty exhausting to see all the photoshop manipulations, all the constant PMs to hopefully get him to make just one more or a whole new run. I would just worry Jnix is going to get burned out that's all...then we will drive away another great artist.
Here's mine painted up. I'm no pro, but what a gorgeous sculpt.
Do you have a spare unpainted one?
It's official - Jnix nailed it!!!:clap
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View attachment 296348
We should have known about this website in the old Han comparison thread. It would have saved a lot of time. :lol
Damn. Glad I threw mine in the bin.