Super Freak
hello fellow freaks, i've been in discussion with the very talented sculptor oscar c.v and he has agreed to make a small run of heads for lord darkness. he would like at least a minimum 5 people to show interest but the run will be no larger than 10 and he will start sculpting this weekend. so here's the break down of the price it will be $90.00 this will include shipping. you will get the head sculpt,he will also be sculpting the legs and feet, and he will be doing the staff or the sword i need to know what you guys would rather have the sword or the staff, please let me know so i can let oscar know.
i'm also in talks with a tailor about making the outfit lets keep our fingers crossed for this right now i'm 90% sure the cape will get done. the pants are the hard thing. once i figure out the clothing situation i will update to let everyone know. if anyone has the premium format figure and is willing to send me pics of the pants from different angles that would be great, i will send them to the tailor so he can see what he can come up with. one more quick note i spoke to some of the customizers on here and well have agreed that the hottoys ttm-19 and the aci andrew v.0 body will work best with this so if the tailor agrees to do this that's what the clothes will be tailored to fit.
1) charles hughey PAID
2) thantos PAID
3) crimson bob PAID
4) eviltoymonger PAID
5) levit05 PAID
6) senbi575 PAID
7) pcleemake PAID
8) hotslayer PAID
9) darthmagnus PAID
10) silverwolf PAID
11) skiman PAID
12) barryo PAID
13) bigbroucha PAID
14) mightyq PAID
1)LT0778 PAID
2)xenoviper PAID
3)shocktrooper_au PAID
4)wucaso PAID
5)galticboy PAID
6)NITRO80 confirmed
7)sparkston73 PAID
8)69slimer CONFIRMED
9) erik s CONFIRMED
10) mando PAID
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