Update for the last shipment. Monkey said everything will ship out on Monday (Not today as he had hoped). Only a slight delay. And its great to see that you guys have started to receive your heads.
So all remaining heads and masks go out Monday! I'll be happy to help anyone get in touch with Monkey if there are any issues with the heads, just please PM me as I am going to probably stop checking in on this thread now that all of our stuff is being shipped. I will of course pass on any info from Monkey.
Glad to be able to help get this wrapped up. My two cents is that if someone is going through a rough time it's a good idea to see if you can help. Of course I had a dog in fight this since I wanted to get my head as well
All it took was for me to offer to post for Monkey and I arranged a trade, I'd purchase the hair he needed in exchange for a Joker mask (yeah I probably lost a few bucks in that deal, but it was worth it to me). Anyway happy to help and glad it looks like this will be a happy ending.
One last thing I stayed out of the shoe refund issue. Monkey plans on refunding those who paid for shoes as he can. I would just rather not be the go between on that one. He seems like a good guy and I believe he will come through, but if there are people worried about this I can pass on Monkey's cell and you can work the out with him if you want.