Super Freak

That would be one hell of a figure! So much detail lol would love to see what Rainman would do with that.
Personally I'd love to see Rainman tackle this guy love the show and Harrow is by far my favourite character.
Dandy man Bill & Dead Rabbits Amsterdam.
Hatless DX option
What movie is this Harrow character from?
I must admit it does look interesting and is unique. Not saying I would buy it, but would be interested in knowing what movie this is from.
Also I am planning on getting this top ten list thing rolling again after Rainman has officially kick started project Anton.
With Bateman and Anton off the list I expect Amsterdam and this Harrow character on some of your lists. You don't have to participate thats fine with me, but I feel it was a fun little project the first time around and I don't think it was a coincidence that the figure on most participants top ten was Anton.
Now if I can figure out how to use this Excel Workbook Laney made for me I'll be good to go. I have until the 22nd until school starts again so that gives me some time to learn it.
From the outstanding tv series Boardwalk Empire.
Yep as Teddy said Boardwalk Empire well worth a watch Army if you've never seen it.
From the outstanding tv series Boardwalk Empire.
Man so far I need to catch up on all the past and present horror films, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead and now Boardwalk Empire :gah:
Harrow is cool, but, come on, he's barely in the show! If anything you need Nucky and thats still a long shot from rainman IMO. but of course.. id buy either lol