Gotta Respect a guy who can get you a toe....with nail polish by 3:00pm
:exactly::goodpost: :rotfl
Gotta Respect a guy who can get you a toe....with nail polish by 3:00pm
It'd be amazing to see Zero Wolf done!
Bickle or Alonzo for me. Pref for Bickle.
It would be cool to see Rainman make either one, but I would only buy Bickle.
I call BS on that statement! :lol
Right now I would prefer Alonzo over anybody
Bickle can wait :monkey3
Bickle has been waiting long enough!
You guys did a poll for the best figure, why not one for most wanted future figure.
From the looks of it. It seems like
Mad Max
Walter Kochak (something)
Jack Torrance
Ron Burgundy
It would be cool to see Rainman make either one, but I would only buy Bickle.
There was a top 10 going that Army is organizing. It still has a pulse but it needs CPR!!
Dark Knight Trilogy on Blueray :yess: