I wonder if RM would do any Django figures considering the cancels and everything that went on with the Enterbay ones. I'm sure his run of them is so low it would fly under the studios radar though
I would buy a Django/Schultz.
Zach from The Hangover
Still no love for Harley and Marlboro I see....
Saw Django last night. Amazing!
Definitely behind Candie and Django.
Didn't come out in the cinema over here so only bought it on blu ray yesterday when it was released.
It was said that Enterbay is still trying to get their Django figures out, whether it happens or not who knows but they are still trying.
I watched it for the first time last night as well, and I loved it! Not quite as good as Basterds or PF but certainly up there!
I think Candie is the only figure I would like from Django. I would however love an Aldo Raine and Hans Landaray:
HT never did that line justice. The clothing was superb, but both head sculpts left a lot to be desired. I think they warrant the RM treatment.
I thought i was alone on this!...Would love Aldo to get the proper treatment...was so pissed when Hot Toys released that half donkey figure! :monkey4 One of my favorite characters and I couldnt even see myself buying that....
Im 100% in for some Basterds! :hi5:
INDEED!! thats exactly the Aldo i want for my collection! :hi5:
Man, just thinking about the possibility of having a RM Aldo and Landa together on display would be :drool:drool:drool
Sign me up Teddy!! :clap