It is a crazy fabrication though...all those belts and well as the hands! Yikes. It would be his finest work if done right, I don't think he has done anything that complex before has he?
I am surprised he hasn't done him yet. Seems right up his alley.
I don’t want to keep digging up the issue but I really want to apologize again for yesterday. That guy creates such a sour environment, and I know getting into those public back and forths with him fuel that fire, and I end up looking like a bad guy too to some people. I’m just not able to control myself when he starts his crap. When he starts picking on people, insulting people, generally stirring s__t up, bulling, the contradictions, the hypocrisy, the ignorant ideas, playing tough on the internet… I just want to give it back to him (or anyone like him) 10 fold and more. Basically everything he’s about is everything I can’t stand. There’s just no way for me not to react to that BS. I guess I go about doing the right thing the wrong way. I applauded you dudes who are more Zen than I. All of you guys who are able to let that crap roll off your shoulders and not let your tempers flare are much better men than me.
No one has to respond and I don’t want to make a thing out of it, so we can go on wishlisting. Just wanted to get that off my chesteace
Here's another one that I've been dying for and is a true grail for me that I've got little support on. The character may be too abrasive for some, but he has 1/6 and Rainman written all over him IMO. An iconic, cult, stand alone character that represents an incredible movie, great personality that could even call for 2 different sculpts, great accessories (rifle, jelly doughnut, metal trash can, baton) and a great uniform. Why am I alone?
Not alone man.
By the time Rainman's next figure is ready to be paid for. I will be back in the game (At a moderate pace)
I'd have to get this!!
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Nope lol
Anyways my suggestion
Would love to put Lancaster Dodd next to my oily Plainview, but I think he would only sell two :lol
Check out this guy popping out of the woodwork!! Nice to see that you're still somewhat tuned in and interested :hi5:. Who knows, maybe there's more Hartman love now than there was a couple of years ago. Would love to see this happenray: